Friday 30 September 2022

Thursday 29 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 29 September 2022

Thursday morning and Vlad is just back from having a look at the Nord Stream pipeline explosion site with Piotr the Pterodactyl. Vlad thinks that Piotr's poop is more intelligent than your average Western journalist and did a double face-palm when his aides told him that they were giving him the blame for it. Why the hell would anyone with half a brain kill their own golden goose?

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 28 September 2022

Tuesday morning finds Vlad and Kiril the kite taking a morning flight around Moscow before Vlad has to do important World Dictator stuff in the Kremlin. He has a lot on his plate today dealing with Brandon trying to blame him for everything that the demented old fool is ordering his own minions to do. These early morning flights are a great way to start the day feeling refreshed and relaxed

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 27 September 2022

Tuesday morning and Vlad's minions at the London embassy are slacking off again. Meanwhile, Vlad the Agrarian is tending to his herd of prime beef cattle and is proud of the quality of Russian steaks. He knows that the silly West is busy building bug factories and he is determined that Russians will not be eating fake meat, insects or any of that soy crap. You can't make borscht with bugs, nor can you make good Russian vodka with anything other than potatoes - no cockroach milk vodka for Russia!

Monday 26 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 26 September 2022

Normal service at the embassy has been resumed, thank goodness! Doing the landscape as well as the Vlad was much more time consuming than just adding the Vlad. Monday morning finds our shirtless harbinger atop Rasputin the Bald Eagle Defector surveying the Lighthouse Church of St. Nicholas in Crimea. Don't be fooled by the quaint church, it's actually an ICBM silo 

Sunday 25 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 25 September 2022

The London Embassy hasn't posted a good morning picture since September 8th so I'm having to do them. I do find it disturbing that they haven't started again. Anyway, Sunday morning finds Vlad and Pasha the Parrot surveying the oil fields and gulags of Eastern Siberia. It's a bit cold for Pasha because he's a tropical parrot, but Vlad gives him a good drink of vodka and some borscht to keep him warm.

Saturday 24 September 2022

Finger on the Button


Ice-cream Lady

Would you like a chocolate-flavoured cricket flake with that cockroach milk ice cream?

Daily Vlad - 24 September 2022

Saturday morning and Vlad the Submersible is atop Wasilei the Whale, training his fleet of nuclear boomers under the Baltic Sea. It is not commonly known in the West that Vlad can breathe underwater, he has gills behind his ears like Kevin Costner's character in that really shit film from the 90s. Vlad asked me to assure everyone that he has no desire to blow you all up and you are more likely to meet your doom at the hands of demented old pants-shitter in the White House, or for that matter the bat-shit crazy warmongering loon now in 10 Downing Street

Thursday 22 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 22 September 2022

Thursday morning and Vlad is with Ganya the Goanna getting away from it all in the Karelia region of Russia. Vlad likes it here because it's nice and peaceful which gives him time to contemplate his plans for world domination. Ganya just likes it because there are loads of yummy flies and other creepy-crawlies to eat

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 21 September 2022

Wednesday morning and Vlad is with Piotr the Pterodactyl flying over Khamovniki, Vlad likes to survey his fiefdom to make sure that everything is working smoothly. He is always gratified to see Russian industry hard at work whilst his opponents in the West allow the Motherweffers to shut down their industries and make them eat bugs. Vlad will never make Russians eat crickets because they are unhealthy and disgusting

Tuesday 20 September 2022

Coming soon...

The latest in EU handy-dandy money wheelbarrows, currently in production in Poland under orders from Ursula von der Lyin. Kindly sponsored by Klaus Schwab and the WEF, naturally. You vill own nussing und be happy 😬👇

Daily Vlad - 20 September 2022

Tuesday morning finds Vlad and Kazimir the Kangaroo guarding over his precious flock in Moscow's Kolomenskoye park. Vlad always emphasises the importance of exercise to his people and tells them if they are diligent that they will have the same strapping, manly, physique as him. Russians always feel safe knowing Vlad is around. Did you know that Kazimir can hop so high that he's able to punch an F35 right out of the sky? He defected from Alcatralia not so long ago to get away from Dictator Dan.

Sunday 18 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 18 September 2022

Sunday morning sees Vlad the Shirtless taking Justin the Vile Blackfaced Emu for some morning exercise in the Khibiny Mountains near Murmansk. Vlad has to keep Justin in the most remote regions of Russia and far away from decent people. The Emu is evil, nasty, dangerous and very smelly. Count yourself lucky that Vlad is taking one on the chin for us by keeping this evil creature in chains. You're also lucky that you can't smell it, Vlad has to use nose-plugs soaked in Vodka to ride it 

Saturday 17 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 17 September 2022

Saturday finds Vlad the Airborne taking Piotr the Pterodactyl for an early morning flight around St. Petersburg. Vlad likes to survey his Empire before anybody wakes up to make sure that everything is under control

Friday 16 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 16 September 2022

Friday morning finds Vlad and Gogil the Fearsome Battle Giraffe, inspecting one of Vlad's many disguised ICBM emplacements in the Vodlozersky National Park. Vlad likes concealing his weapons of war because it makes them much more difficult for his numerous enemies to find

Thursday 15 September 2022

Chasing Dissent After Dark - Down the JFK Rabbit Hole


A big thank you to the guys at Chasing Dissent for another fun podcast, I thoroughly enjoyed it once again. As promised, here is the full version of the slides I used. A lot of the images will contain links and there are references to books and some great videos at the end. Join us next time when we will talk about the Titanic.

If you missed the show and would like to watch it, you can do so here.

Still more believable than...


Daily Vlad - 15 September 2022

The Russian Embassy in London is still in mourning and not posting good morning pictures. Fortunately there are enough for me to choose from. Thursday morning finds Vlad the Airborne riding Kiril the Kite and taking a break from it all in the Sakha Republic. Vlad likes to visit the far flung corners of his empire as often as possible

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 14 September 2022


It's another sunrise from me because the Russian embassy is still in mourning over someone else's Queen. Wednesday finds Vlad and Pasha the Parrot taking a sunrise flight over Karelia. Don't be fooled by the quaint church, it's actually a disguised ICBM silo.

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 13 September 2022

The embassy still hasn't posted one, this is another of my choices. Tuesday morning finds Vlad on his way back from visiting his network of Siberian Gulags. Vlad likes to scare the prisoners into submission by pretending that Piotr the Pterodactyl will eat one of them for breakfast. It never happens because Piotr doesn't like the taste of man-flesh. It's still a great way to keep the prisoners in line

Monday 12 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 12 September 2022


The Russian Embassy in London still hasn't posted a good morning picture due to the mourning period for the Queen. I'm not a diplomat so I made this one myself. Vlad can be seen here taking an early morning flight up the Moskva River.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 8 September 2022

Thursday morning and Vlad is taking Pasha the Parrot for a flight around Palace Square in St. Petersburg. Vlad's hero is Peter the Great who, it must be said, is a much better role model than Ivan the Terrible. Our nefarious gas switcher-offer would like to go down in history as Vlad the Great and Terrible.

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Resistance is not futile


Daily Vlad - 7 September 2022

Wednesday morning didn't go as planned for Vlad, his intention was to take Justin the Blackfaced Emu for an early morning run around Saransk. Silly Vlad didn't realise there would be kids about this morning because they're all back to school. It's unfair to expect our Shirtless autocrat to remember everything, he has so much on his plate. Anyway, he took Justin back to the stable and chained him up again so we're all good. The kids will recover in time.

Tuesday 6 September 2022

Boris says goodbye

Daily Vlad - 6 September 2022

Tuesday morning sees Vlad the Shirtless taking Ganya the Battle Goanna for some exercise along the wild and treacherous Katun River. Did you know that Ganya used to live in Australia and called himself Gordon? True thing. He was a Victorian Goanna but got totally sick and tired of Dictator Dan so he stowed away on an aeroplane and managed to get to Moscow, once there he asked Vlad for political asylum. Vlad happily agreed and now they are the best of friends

Monday 5 September 2022

Let the Hunger Games Commence!

Daily Vlad - 5 September 2022

Monday morning finds Vlad taking Leonid the Labradoodle for some exercise in Saint Petersburg. The thing in the background is called the Tsarskoye Selo which I tried translating but failed. Something to do with the Tsar

Sunday 4 September 2022

THEY - The Hierarchy Exterminating You


The Great Pyramid of Cockwombles


Inspired by something Tess Lawrie said on today's podcast from Maajid Nawaz and also the excellent documentary The Dimming, in fact you should stop wasting time with little old me and go watch them immediately.

Daily Vlad - 4 September 2022

Sunday morning sees Vlad and Piotr doing some fishing outside of the Solovetsky Monastery, this is Rasputin's favourite place to fish because the river is Holy so no-one is allowed to fish here. Rasputin is an Alaskan bald eagle and gives zero fucks about any silly human rules. Consequently he never has problems catching fish here even though it pisses the monks off

Saturday 3 September 2022

Mother of Cockwombles


Ready for your Autumn Booster?

Daily Vlad - 3 September 2022

Saturday morning and Vlad and Pasha the Parrot are surveying the Tula region of Russia, Vlad likes to ensure that Russians feel his presence every day and he also has to keep an eye on all his secret farms, military bases, bunkers and missile silos

Friday 2 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 2 September 2022

Friday morning sees Vlad the Bare-chested giving Dr Bob some more lessons on how to ride a Pterodactyl. Vlad himself is atop Kiril the Kite this morning. Vlad is exceedingly impressed with Bob and thinks he's a natural pterodactyl rider. Piotr must like Bob too because if you try to ride a pterodactyl that doesn't like you, you're likely to end up as breakfast 

Thursday 1 September 2022

Daily Vlad - 1 September 2022

Thursday morning sees Vlad and Rasputin the bald eagle taking a morning flight over Moscow. Vlad likes to keep his finger on the pulse of Russia and this is one way of doing that. Muscovites are always heartened to see their shirtless hero watching over them