Friday 25 January 2008

Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age

Isn't this what they were worried about back in the 70s? Anyway, these predictions are based on solar observations and actually track with the data scientists are seeing. The warming theory just got blown out of the window. You won't see it stopping the legion of climatechangers who will probably come up with a model showing that it's all the freezers on earth causing it or some such nonsense. I also doubt you'll see George Monbiot writing about this :-)

Temperatures on Earth have stabilized in the past decade, and the planet should brace itself for a new Ice Age rather than global warming, a Russian scientist said in an interview with RIA Novosti Tuesday.

"Russian and foreign research data confirm that global temperatures in 2007 were practically similar to those in 2006, and, in general, identical to 1998-2006 temperatures, which, basically, means that the Earth passed the peak of global warming in 1998-2005," said Khabibullo Abdusamatov, head of a space research lab at the Pulkovo observatory in St. Petersburg.

According to the scientist, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere has risen more than 4% in the past decade, but global warming has practically stopped. It confirms the theory of "solar" impact on changes in the Earth's climate, because the amount of solar energy reaching the planet has drastically decreased during the same period, the scientist said.

Had global temperatures directly responded to concentrations of "greenhouse" gases in the atmosphere, they would have risen by at least 0.1 Celsius in the past ten years, however, it never happened, he said.

"A year ago, many meteorologists predicted that higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would make the year 2007 the hottest in the last decade, but, fortunately, these predictions did not become reality," Abdusamatov said.

He also said that in 2008, global temperatures would drop slightly, rather than rise, due to unprecedentedly low solar radiation in the past 30 years, and would continue decreasing even if industrial emissions of carbon dioxide reach record levels.

By 2041, solar activity will reach its minimum according to a 200-year cycle, and a deep cooling period will hit the Earth approximately in 2055-2060. It will last for about 45-65 years, the scientist added.

"By the mid-21st century the planet will face another Little Ice Age, similar to the Maunder Minimum, because the amount of solar radiation hitting the Earth has been constantly decreasing since the 1990s and will reach its minimum approximately in 2041," he said.

The Maunder Minimum occurred between 1645 and 1715, when only about 50 spots appeared on the Sun, as opposed to the typical 40,000-50,000 spots.

It coincided with the middle and coldest part of the so called Little Ice Age, during which Europe and North America were subjected to bitterly cold winters.

Full story...

Thursday 24 January 2008

The West's Orwellian Monopoly on Morality

Superb article by Paul Craig Roberts exposing the duplicitous bullshit that passes for western "civilisation". Honestly, we're about as civilised as a bunch of baboons most of the time!

"The first use of nuclear weapons must remain in the quiver of escalation as the ultimate instrument to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction." ~Five Western military leaders.

I read the statement three times trying to figure out the typo. Then it hit me, the West has now out-Orwellled Orwell: The West must nuke other countries in order to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction! In Westernspeak, the West nuking other countries does not qualify as the use of weapons of mass destruction.

The astounding statement comes from a paper prepared for a NATO summit in April by five top military leaders – an American, a German, a Dutchman, a Frenchman, and a Brit.

The paper, prepared by men regarded as distinguished leaders and not as escapees from insane asylums, argues that "the West's values and way of life are under threat, but the West is struggling to summon the will to defend them." The leaders find that the UN is in the way of the West's will, as is the European Union which is obstructing NATO and "NATO's credibility is at stake in Afghanistan."

And that's a serious matter. If NATO loses its credibility in Afghanistan, Western civilization will collapse just like the Soviet Union. The West just doesn't realize how weak it is. To strengthen itself, it needs to drop more and larger bombs.

The German military leader blames the Merkel government for contributing to the West's inability to defend its values by standing in the way of a revival of German militarism. How can Germany be "a reliable partner" for America, he asks, if the German government insists on "special rules" limiting the combat use of its forces in Afghanistan?

Ron Asmus, head of the German Marshall Fund and a former US State Department official, welcomed the paper as "a wake-up call." Asmus means a call to wake-up to the threats from the brutal world, not to the lunacy of Western leaders.

Who, what is threatening the West's values and way of life? Political fanaticism, religious fundamentalism, and the imminent spread of nuclear weapons, answer the five asylum escapees.

By political fanaticism, do they mean the neoconservatives who believe that the future of humanity depends on the US establishing its hegemony over the world? By religious fundamentalism, do they mean "rapture evangelicals" agitating for armageddon or Christian and Israeli Zionists demanding a nuclear attack on Iran? By spread of nuclear weapons, do they mean Israel's undeclared and illegal possession of several hundred nuclear weapons?

No. The paranoid military leaders see all the fanaticism, religious and otherwise, and all the threats to humanity as residing outside Western civilization (Israel is inside). The "increasingly brutal world," of which the leaders warn, is "over there." Only Muslims are fanatics. All us white guys are rational and sane.

There is nothing brutal about the US/NATO bombing of Serbia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, or the Israeli bombing of Lebanon, or the Israeli ethnic cleansing of the West Bank, or the genocide Israel hopes to commit against Palestinians in Gaza.

All of this, as well as America's bombing of Somalia, America's torture dungeons, show trials of "detainees," and overthrow of elected governments and installation of puppet rulers, is the West's necessary response to keep the brutal world at bay.

Brutal things happen in the "brutal world" and are entirely the fault of those in the brutal world. None of this would happen if the inhabitants of the brutal world would just do as they are told. How can the civilized world with its monopoly on morality allow people in the brutal world to behave independently? I mean, really! God forbid, they might attack some innocent country.

The "brutal world" consists of those immoral fanatics who object to being marginalized by the West and who reply to mass bombings from the air and to the death and destruction inflicted on them through myriad ways by strapping on a suicide bomb.

Unable to impose its will on countries it has invaded with conventional arms, the West's military leaders are now prepared to force compliance with the moral world's will by threatening to nuke those who resist. You see, since the West has the monopoly on morality, truth, and justice, those in the outside world are obviously evil, wicked and brutal. Therefore, as President Bush tells us, it is a simple choice between good and evil, and there's no better candidate than evil for being nuked. The sooner we can get rid of the brutal world, the sooner we will have "freedom and democracy" everywhere that's left.

Meanwhile, the United States, the great moral light unto the world, has just prevented the United Nations from censuring Israel, the world's other great moral light, for cutting off food supplies, medical supplies, and electric power to Gaza. You see, Gaza is in the outside world and is a home of the bad guys. Moreover, the wicked Palestinians there tricked the US when the US allowed them to hold a free election. Instead of electing the US candidate, the wicked voters elected a government that would represent them. The US and Israel overturned the Palestinian election in the West Bank, but those in Gaza clung to the government that they had elected. Now they are going to suffer and die until they elect the government that the US and Israel wants. I mean, how can we expect people in the brutal world to know what's best for them?

The fact that the UN tried to stop Israel's just punishment of the Gazans shows how right the five leaders' report is about the UN being a threat to Western values and way of life. The UN is really against us. This puts the UN in the outside world and makes it a candidate for being nuked if not an outright terrorist organization. As our president said, "you are with us or against us."

The US and Israel need a puppet government in Palestine so that a ghettoized remnant of Palestine can be turned into a "two-state solution." The two states will be Israel incorporating the stolen West Bank and a Palestinian ghetto without an economy, water, or contiguous borders.

This is necessary in order to protect Israel from the brutal outside world.

Inhabitants of the brutal world are confused about the "self-determination" advocated by Western leaders. It doesn't mean that those outside Western civilization and Israel should decide for themselves. "Self" means American. The term, so familiar to us, means "American-determination." The US determines and others obey.

It is the brutal world that causes all the trouble by not obeying.

Full story...

Saturday 12 January 2008

9/11 Planes Flew Directly Into Secure Computer Rooms In Both Towers

Excellent article from Chris Bollyn

9/11 remains an unsolved crime of terrorism. Many people who worked at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have information, which can help solve this crime and find the parties responsible for killing thousands of innocent people.

This article, for example, is the result of information provided by one such anonymous person. To solve this crime, it is crucial that the people who have information come forward and share that information. Together, we can solve this heinous crime and make this world a better place.


The two airplanes that struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11 flew directly into secure computer rooms in both buildings. Is that simply a coincidence or were the computer rooms equipped to play a role in the crime?

Were there homing devices, for example, in these rooms that guided the planes to their targets? Were there pre-placed explosives or Thermite on these floors to destroy the evidence and assist with the collapses?
Let's look at the evidence.

The extreme weght of battery arrays requires floors be reinforced, which in turn provides an excuse for mysterious construction workers to enter and leave the area. But who would think to verify that all of the batteries truly are batteries?

And who would think of verifying that all of the computers are truly under the control of the people they are supposed to work for?


"At 8:46:30 a.m., five hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 11 (AA 11) with 11 crew and 76 passengers into the north face of WTC 1," according to the Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in September 2005:

The aircraft flew almost straight toward the north tower, banked approximately 25 degrees to the left (i.e. the right wing elevated relative to the left wing) and descended at an angle of about 10 degrees at impact.

Moving at about 440 mph, the nose hit the exterior of the tower at the 96th floor. The aircraft cut a gash that was over half the width of the building and extended from the 93rd floor to the 99th floor.

All but the lowest of these floors were occupied by Marsh & McLennan, a worldwide insurance company, which also occupied the 100th floor.

"The fuselage was centered on the 96th floor slab and filled the 95th and 96th floors top to bottom," the NIST report says.

So, what was on the 95th and 96th floors of the north tower, which were rented by Marsh & McLennan, Lewis Paul "Jerry" Bremer's company?

Bremer, it should be noted, was the Bush-appointed proconsul or administrator of occupied Iraq until the end of June 2004. During Bremer's reign there was no metering of the oil that was exported from Iraq.
It is also primarily decisions taken by Bremer that are responsible for the misery and chaos that have afflicted Iraq since the U.S.-led occupation began. Previously, Bremer was the right-hand man for Henry Kissinger & Associates.

The NIST report provides some information about "General Description of Tenant Layout." For the floors in question it says, "Generally open space filled with workstations. Offices, conference rooms, and work areas in exterior corners."

But on the 95th floor, Marsh & McLennan had a "large walled data center along north and east sides," according to the NIST report. And that's exactly where the plane hit ­ the north wall of the 95th floor.
I called Marsh & McLennan to get a better idea of what was in this "large walled data center" into which American Airlines Flight 11 plunged with deadly precision.

Reginald McQuay came on the line as a company spokesman. I told McQuay that Marsh & McLennan got hit broadside on 9/11 and that it appeared that the plane flew straight into their "walled data center," according to the NIST report.

"No," McQuay said, "it wasn't really our data center. It was our computer center." Then he suddenly became somewhat distressed, saying he could not even focus on what I was saying and that I should call back next week.
Fair enough, I thought. He had confirmed my primary suspicion, i.e. that the plane that struck the north tower appears to have been "homed in" or targeted on a secure computer center on the 95th floor ­ exactly like the plane that struck the south tower some 16 minutes later.


"Sixteen and a half minutes after the first impact, five hijackers flew United Airlines (UA) Flight 175, with 9 crew and 51 passengers, into WTC 2 at about 540 mph, about 100 mph faster than AA Flight 11," the NIST report says.

"The center of the nose of the plane struck at the 81st floor slab. The plane was banked 38 degrees to the left (right wing upward) and was heading slightly (6 degrees) downward from the horizontal," it says.
Although Flight 175 went straight into the 81st floor of the south tower, the NIST report provides no description of what was on the 81st floor. Not even one word. How odd.

While we know that the Fuji Bank was the tenant on floors 79-82 of WTC 2, the NIST report fails to describe the "tenant layout" of floors 79, 81, and 82.

I had repeatedly requested information from NIST about the layout of these floors, primarily because many tons of molten metal were seen falling from the 81st floor prior to the collapse.

The source of the large amount of molten metal on the 81st floor had not been explained. What could have possibly melted in such large amounts on a normal floor to create several cubic meters of molten metal?

You can watch the molten iron in both normal and slow motion at youtube: - new link!

I have excerpts of the molten metal in this short video:

If this was molten iron, as Professor Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University says, and if this molten iron was caused by an aluminothermic reaction of Thermite or Thermate (a steel-cutting explosive created from powdered aluminum, iron oxide, and sulfur), then somebody must have pre-loaded the 81st floor of WTC 2 with many tons of Thermate.

The molten metal seen falling from the 81st floor was not aluminum, as the NIST report suggests, because molten aluminum would appear silverfish-grey in daylight conditions.
See our article on Michael Zebuhr's death for photos of molten aluminum:

The metal that is seen falling from the burning south tower is clearly yellow and white hot. This is much hotter than the fires that were observed. So, what produced such large amounts of extremely hot molten metal on the 81st floor of WTC 2?

The aluminum oxide that is produced in the Thermite or Thermate reaction is a whitish smoke. White smoke was seen coming from the 81st floor prior to each flow of molten metal, according to the NIST report, and large amounts of white smoke are seen prior to and during the collapse of each tower. Was this drywall dust or was this Thermite?

Photo: The white smoke is coming from the corner of the
South Tower where the molten iron later poured out of.

Photo: A closeup of the corner of the South Tower where the molten iron poured from.

Photo: The South Tower starts to collapse. Molten iron
was blown out of the tower when the explosives went off.

As the droplets cooled they turned red, creating a spray of red globules mixed with the white clouds of dust. Some of the whiteness may be due to the spray of aluminum oxide particles.
You can watch a spray of molten iron from Thermite here: the video was deleted; here is a different one
I had imagined huge disguised flower pots of powdered Thermite near the elevators of a normal office floor of the south tower. But even that didn't make sense. Furthermore, if the 81st floor was a normal office floor of Fuji Bank, why doesn't the NIST report simply say so?

Silence was all I ever received from NIST.

Then, suddenly, out of the blue, a former bank employee came forward, a person who had visited the 81st floor on a weekly basis. His information explains more than he probably thought and provides us with a major clue about what really happened on 9/11.

Fuji Bank had torn up the 81st floor, he said, and stripped it down to the bare bone to reinforce the trusses so that the floor could hold more weight. Then they had built a raised floor and filled the entire floor with server-size Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) batteries.

These units were bolted to the raised floor which stood about 3 feet above the reinforced 81st floor. Beneath the raised floor ran the cables and power supply that connected the army of batteries. IT techies had to get down on all fours and crawl around beneath the raised floor to connect cables.

"The whole floor was batteries," he said, "huge battery-looking things." They were "all black" and "solid, very heavy" things that had been brought in during the night. They had been put in place during the summer prior to 9/11, he said.

But were they really batteries?

"It's weird," he said. "They were never turned on."

So, what really was on the 81st floor of WTC 2? What was in these heavy "battery-looking things?" Were they batteries, or were they Thermite?

Only senior Information Technology (IT) personnel from Fuji Bank, or the Japanese banks affiliated with it, had access to the 81st floor computer room, according to the source. The Mizuho Bank was established originally as Mizuho Holdings, Inc. by the merger of Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank (DKB), Fuji Bank and the Industrial Bank of Japan (IBJ) in 2000.

According to the former bank employee, employees of Shimizu-America Corp. also had access to the floor.
Shortly after 9/11, the IBJ became the biggest player and took over the new corporation that had been created by the merger, primarily because the offices of the DKB and Fuji Bank had been destroyed in the World Trade Center, the source said.

The offices of the IBJ were located on the Avenue of the Americas and became the new headquarters for the bank. The DKB and Fuji Bank personnel soon found themselves out of work.
"Nobody worked on that floor," the source said about Floor 81. The whole floor was taken up with a "whole bunch of batteries" and "enclosed server racks" that were so tall that one could not see over the top of them. The enclosed server racks were locked and the only people who could open them were employees of the Shimizu Corp., he said.

Didn't the host of NIST scientists think that was worthy of mention? They either did not know that the 81st floor was full of "battery-looking things" or decided not to mention it. How odd.

William Torrey, the Atlanta-based senior vice president of Shimizu-America, said he could not say anything about the work that Shimizu did on the 81st floor because of ongoing litigation. Asked about the litigation, Torrey said he could not comment on that either.

Seth Martin, the non-Japanese spokesman for the Mizuho Corp., could not give any comment for this article. Mr. Martin did not respond to repeated calls.

The NIST documents that accompany the final report confirm the source's information that Fuji Bank had reinforced the 81st floor. Documents dated 1999 say that reinforcements were added to the floor trusses "to accommodate the new UPS workspace." The structural engineering firm was noted as LERA, or Leslie E. Robertson and Associates.

SawTeen See, a managing partner of LERA, said the firm was unable to comment on the work it had done on the 81st floor. "We are not at liberty to comment on this or to provide any further information," she wrote. "Please contact the PANYNJ who are the project owners."

PANYNJ is the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

Fuji Bank & Trust reported 12 out of 125 Japanese expatriate employees missing the day after 9/11. Two American employees of Fuji Bank are also reported to have died on 9/11:
Security officer Patrick Adams, 60
John Andreacchio, 52
Both men were from New York.


Kevin Ryan


NIST report | wtc

There appears to be a remarkable correlation between the floors upgraded for fireproofing in the WTC towers, in the years preceding 9/11/01, and the floors of impact, fire and failure. The fireproofing upgrades would have allowed for shutdown of the affected floors, and the exposure of the floor assemblies and the columns for a significant period of time. Exactly what work was done during that time?

In some sections of the NIST WTC report, the exact floors upgraded are listed. Other sections of the report suggest even more floors were upgraded, a total of 18 floors in WTC 1 and 13 floors in WTC 2, but the additional floors involved are not specified.[1]

WTC tower floors upgraded for firep! roofing and floors of impact, fires and failure on 9/11 (click for full size)

This relationship is unmistakable for WTC 1. Some investigators have pointed out that a number of floors failed simultaneously in this tower, in accordion-like fashion, before the rest of the building began to 'collapse'. These floors seem to match up almost exactly with the floors that were upgraded. See the film clip below, and the following Powerpoint sequence created by Gregory Urich.

Two blueprints for the 1999, 2000 construction upgrades to WTC 2, provided by a supporter, indicated that the work was done at almost exactly the point of impact and failure in that tower. That is, the southeast quadrant of WTC 2 was the focus of the work, at least on the 78th floor (the blueprints provided were for floors 77 and 78 only). It was the southeast quadrant of WTC 2, at and just above floor 78, where flight 175 hit.

We have also seen video of molten metal pouring from WTC 2 prior to its destruction. The relationship b! etween fireproofing upgrades and the pouring metal is close but not exact, as the molten metal seen in videos appears to be coming from floors 80 and 81. Communication to the NIST team from Frank Lombardi of the Port Authority, in 2002, indicated that only floor 78 of the impact failure floors of WTC 2 had been upgraded. But NCSTAR 1-6A (table 4-2, p 45) lists floor 85 as an upgraded floor as well. Could it be that certain areas within floors 79 to 84 were upgraded also, and not reported because the floors were not fully upgraded?

For the north tower at least, it is difficult to accept that this relationship is yet another unbelievable coincidence related to 9/11. Certainly the upgrade work allowed for access to critical areas. But in considering this, a number of other, admittedly far-fetched questions come to mind. Why was the upgraded fireproofing measured to be twice the thickness specified?[! 2] Could incendiary or explosive materials have been embedded within the upgraded fireproofing? Could these "construction" activities have involved installing mechanisms to direct the planes to the specific areas in which they hit each building?

In any case, the demolition hypothesis should be considered more than just simple demolition. If the idea was to create the appearance of a fire-induced collapse, then a fiery presentation was needed, much more than the jet fuel/office furnishings would have been able to provide. It seems that thermate may have been used not only to weaken or cut the steel infrastructure throughout the buildings, but also to help create that fiery presentation near the floors of impact.

It seems possible that a thermate-lik! e material, and/or other devices contributing to the destruction of the towers, could have been incorporated on the floors of impact and failure during the fireproofing upgrades. The access for such an operation would have been facilitated by the activity surrounding the fireproofing upgrades.

[1] NCSTAR 1-6A, page xxxvii, indicates which exact floors were upgraded. NCSTAR 1-6, page 20 repeats these claims, as noted in the figure above. Elsewhere in NCSTAR 1-6, on page lxxi, NIST muddies the water by saying "18 floors in WTC 1, including all the floors affected by the aircraft impact and fires" and ""13 floors in WTC 2, although none were directly affected by the aircraft impact and fires.". On this last part, NIST contradicts itself yet again in NCSTAR 1-6 (on page lxvii-lxix) by stating that so! me of the floors upgraded in WTC 2 were affected by the impacts and fires (notably floor 78). As with the contradictory amounts of jet fuel referenced throughout NIST's report, these fireproofing upgrade statements appear to be another example of how detailed findings in the NIST team's lower level reports were confused or made vague in higher-level reports.

[2] NCSTAR 1-6A (p xl) states "The overall average thickness determined from the 356 individual measurements was found to be 2.5 in, with a standard deviation of 0.6 in." The same report (p 44) says "Note that some of the average thicknesses shown in Table 4-2 equal or exceed 3.5 in. No photos were available of upgraded floors to show the appearance of such high average thickness of SFRM." Floor 94 of WTC 1 stands out in this data, with a SFRM thickness of more than 4 in. The specification for these upgrades was on! ly 1.5 in, increased from the as-built specification of 0.75 in.

Dick Eastman

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Wakefield Sault
To: Dick Eastman
Cc: Prof. Steven E. Jones
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: bunk or debunk? Ted Olsen family friend Jon Moseley argues the impossiblity of WTC thermate demolition with conspiracy theorist "olfriend"

Thermate for cutting steel members is not applied as "cannisters". As far as I can tell, the thermate is wrapped around the steel to be cut either as rope or as plastic and electrical ignition wires attached. That was what all the cable 'rewiring' in the towers was about in the weeks preceding the event - installing the ignition wires. I think we need to refer to Prof. Jones for a better idea of how thermate is applied. Since it not an explosive I don't think it is detonated in the same way as, say, C4, which I believe requires a detonation cap. I have found it impossible to find information on the Internet - largely due, it must be said, to the 'noise' generated by online 9/11 discussions about it but also because such information is restricted. (When I was a teenager, we were able to make nitrocellulose etc. at home because lab supplies, such as fuming nitric acid, were sold over the counter. All that is now gone and you cannot even buy a glass beaker or test tube without a license.)

Prof. Jones - please would you tell us how thermate is applied to the steel to be cut or welded.

----- Original Message -----
From: Dick Eastman
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:24 PM
Subject: bunk or debunk? Ted Olsen family friend Jon Moseley argues the impossiblity of WTC thermate demolition with conspiracy theorist "olfriend"

From: (John Moseley, spy novelist and attorney at law)
To: Dick Eastman (anti-semitic conspiracy theorist) ; Ronald Wieck (author and debunker of 9-11 conspiracy theory whackos)

Sent: January 9, 2008
Jon Moseley: Yes, it would be impossible to place 25,000 thermate canisters.

Dick Eastman: You, lawyer Moseley, are the one who put forth the idea that 25,000 canisters would be necessary. How self-contradictory your thinking is. The Boeing 767 was carrying jet fuel enough to fill a 9 ft. diameter above-ground swimming pool, and yet you say that this kerosene did what nothing less than 25,000 canisters of thermate would be required to do. You imply that unless every single beam at every floor had its own thermate cannister the building could not have fallen as it did -- yet you maintain that one 150-ton aluminium airplane carring a 4 ft. high 4.5 ft. radius volume of kerosene accomplishes the trick that 24,999 canisters of thermate could not accomplish, the trick of knocking down towers each consisting of 106,000 tons of structural steel, 53,000 tons of concrete, 2,000 tons of aluminum cladding. 186,290 tons of plumbing, air-conditioning, telecommunications wiring etc. plus the dead weight office furniture and equipment and the live weight of 150,000 people, minus the weight of a sizable percentage of those New York financial workers that for some coincidentally widespread reasons did show up for work that morning.

So you are arguing, Jon, that this spray of kerosene and the aluminum airplane hitting the steel core of the tallest skyscraper in New York accomplished what 24,999 canisters of thermate could not? Let me point out below how absurd contention really is.
Jon Moseley: First, radio control COULD NOT WORK inside a steel building, with the necessity to precisely control 25,000 units with split-second timing.

Dick Eastman: This was 2001 not 1901, Mr. Moseley. To say that it would be impossible to set of an array of devices -- even 25,000 devices if that was really what was called for -- that the defense industry that puts the space shuttle in space and that has at its disposal the most powerful computers and the biggest armies of scientists and the best equipped and experienced black-ops divisions of its intelligence agencies "could not" get the devices to go off correctly???? Look at the building as it stood -- with computers in every office doing millions of operations with split-second timing -- and you say that a simple switching from "off" to "on" for these devices could not be accomplished for the operation even to be considered??? Tell me, Jon, do juries tend to believe your arguments on behalf of your clients in the courtroom as they do for these absurdities on behalf of your clients in Washington and Israel?

Jon Moseley: Second, have you given any thought to WHERE exactly these would have to be?

Dick Eastman: Do you have any reason to think that with trillions of dollars at stake and the black-ops facilities of Mossad, the CIA and MI6 at their disposal with the resources of the entire defense-industry scientific establishment at their disposal (compartmentalized of course so they don't know what they are really working on) -- that they could not find a way to demolish a building with termate - even with fewer than 25,000 delivery charges of thermate? But since you ask my personal opinion, let me say -- without any degree in engineering or physics or architecture expertise -- that I have never been convinced by those who speak against the "pancaking theory" -- to me the towers were two giant shish-kabobs -- a core with light-weight aerated concrete floors holding to the core. When one, two or three floors were made to collapsed those floors below could not take the force of all that potential energy (mass x gravity constant x height) converted into kinetic energy (1/2 mass x the square of the velocity) at the high speeds at which those upper floors fell onto the lower ones -- not free-fall speed certainly (we can all see free-falling pieces going down faster than the rate of downward-advancing floor collapse), but speed great enough and accelerating, with a function of velocity squared, to certainly rip down everything along the way -- the strong fastenings holding each floor of the shish-kabob being so strong as to break up and pull down the core they were holding so firmly with them. But again that is just the opinion of this unemployed former video store clerk -- yet I really don't see a lawyer who writes esape fiction and knows Ted Olsen and Jacob Roginsky talking me out of it.

Jon Moseley: WHERE was the structural suppport of the building?

Dick Eastman: On the foundation, in the core, in the fastenings of the 110 floors to the core. Without the core holding up those floors those tall thin beams on the corners and up the sides (260 of them), there to hold up the windows and aluminum sheathing, would not contributed anything to holding up those floors -- especailly after the pancaking was under way.

Jon Moseley: Not giving any serious thought to any of this, you haven't got a clue. ...

Dick Eastman: My thinking is not the best -- and it gets worse every day -- but I have had the good luck lately of getting into arguments with people holding the most obviously absurd positions. Also habitual honesty gives one an edge and so does a good liberal education (like you can hardly find any more in a lower-middle-class person like myself.)
Jon Moseley: To bring down the building -- and do so evenly, smoothly, rapidly, and without the building falling over -- you would have to sever 267 steel support columns around the perimeter all at the same time. However, if you did not also sever 47 internal support columns at precisely the same instant, then the outside skin would fall down, but the central core would remain standing.

Dick Eastman: There was nothing smooth or even about the collapse, except that the structure "fell into its footprint" -- showing that the puny plane would not have given it any lean. The shish-kabob was demolished by a sufficient number of thermate devices -- these could be quite large -- brought up, if one may be permitted to speculate, in sections by freight elevator during repairs or maintenace perhaps -- these devices planted at the top floors -- the only reason for the bombs lower down was to kill targeted people or destroy rescue systems or offices with financial or legal files the perpetrators wanted destroyed etc. A few devices on the higher floors. Perhaps the remote-controlled planes hit precisely on the intended floors of each tower.

The fact is that the building came down as it did. The fact is that the jet plane and office fire would not have been sufficient to bring it down. The fact is that thermate devices exist for the purpose of bringing down buildings. The fact is that unlimited resources were available to the perpetrators to bring down the building in the way they wanted. The owner of the building, the Pentagon, the CIA, Mossad, the WHite House, Israel, the black ops resources that exist from private arms and intelligence companies, and the great war-funding bankers and defense-contracting corporations -- all filled with men like Dov Zakheim -- were giving this their full consideration. 25,000 devices would be no obstacle. (I say less that fifty were needed for each building.) Sending signals throughout the building would be no obstacle. We know the structure went and we know the plane didn't do it and that thermate could. We know that residues indicative of thermate have been found in samples of the steel and we have video recordings of molten steel cascading down from South Tower just before the building began collapsing. The little bit of kerosene was long gone. Some of the plane never hit the core -- it went flying through the building and out the north wall. Not enough to bring it down. Only thermate could have done it. Not ray guns from space. Not a summer play pool full of kerosene.

Jon Moseley: Therefore, you must sever instantly at the same split-second 267 + 47 = 314 steel support columns on every floor.

Dick Eastman: The trouble with you Zionist mouthpiece lawyers is that you don't eat enough shish-kabob and pancakes. Just start three or four floors collapsing and the rest of the job will take care of itself. You don't have to have, as you wrongly insist, a different bomb at 314 positions on each of 110 floors and each with a wire connecting it to all the others because wireless signals would be impossible etc.

Jon Moseley: AND WHERE WOULD YOU PUT THESE MAGICAL, MYTHICAL THERMATE CANISTERS all sprinkled with fairy dust and rubbed with the fur of unicorns?
Dick Eastman: Gee, you're a regular Clarence Darrow for eloquence. Makes me feel silly for even suggesting that thermate could be the answer -- except that whatever the mystical status of thermate it does manage to burn through massive steel in seconds and it is used to demolish steel skyscrapers and traces of it were found in the samples of molten steel and in bead particle dust taken from the site. So you are arguing that since there was no fur of the unicorn found that thermate must be ruled out? This is not a good argument, Jon.'
Jon Moseley: To work, they must be SNUG AGAINST the steel that they are going to cut. BUT THE STEEL COLUMNS WERE NOT EXPOSED. And then of course, being buried in the wall, the radio devices WOULD NOT WORK inside a steel building.
Dick Eastman: Drill a hole in a steel beam. Stick a long thin device into the beam. One end of the device can be sticking out , maybe just a wire to receive a transmitted signal or tiny microphone for a sonci signal or any of a number of other ways. In this day and age can't is a word limited to the poor and politically powerless. You, Jon, seem to be thinking that we don't realize that.

Jon Moseley: Finally, thermate is notoriously difficult to ignite, and often FAILS to ignite using a remote device.

Dick Eastman: Picture Dov Zakheim reporting to Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Henry Kissinger late in 1999. Dov says, "I'm sorry. The plan can't be done. We can't find a way to reliably light the thermate. So please tell David and Lionel that I tried my level best and it's just impossible."

Poor people living in a falling apart world who don't know the power of money -- how reliable and excellent and unimaginably effective are the things are that the rich provide for themselves -- may fall for Mr. Moseley's "arugmentum de impossibilus" (don't look it up, it isn't real) -- but when the criminals alibi that the aluminum plane and the drip of kerosene brought down the skyscraper is impossible and the real cause is established in laboratory tests and video recordings of the actually event -- then we start thinking that we better not let Jon Moseley leave town until we have looked into the background of his 9-11 investigator-debunking activities more closely.

Jon Moseley
Dick Eastman

From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Jan 9, 2008
Subject: Re: 10 miles for only 22 explosives Re: 10 miles of detonator cord and 15 miles of telephone wires

The claim is made: the plane and the fire was sufficient to bring down the building.
The person making that claim then adds this claim: That it would be impossible for lease owner Silverstein and the greatest black-ops agency in the world (Mossad) to bring in over a period of months time radio-triggered thermate cannisters and plant them along the core using the freight elevators and ventiliation shafts for access -- even when the perpetrators have the full cooperation of government agencies infiltrated in key positions well in advance for this one operation.

Two statements like this -- each so obviously wrong -- makes you suspect the honesty of the one making the statements, doesn't it?

Look at these:

Here are some of video clips of the flow of molten metal. Can airplane aluminum account for all of this?

More video clips of molten metal material pouring from the south tower's northeast corner.:

Have you seen this vido clip of molten metal on the ground?

Eyewitness accounts:


Full story...

Friday 11 January 2008

Blair accused of taking blood money over £1m job with US bank profiting from Iraq war

What is it about ex-politicians? They all seem to end up earning million dollar plus salaries on the back of the fact that they occupied the office they did. What can Blair teach people other than how to suck up to people?

Tony Blair has taken a lucrative job with a U.S. bank which is profiting from the Iraq war.

JPMorgan is expected to pay him £1million a year as a part-time adviser.

It is the first of a series of posts that could see the former prime minister rake in a staggering £40million.

The move brought fierce criticism last night. Reg Keys, whose soldier son Tom was killed in Iraq in 2003, said it was "almost akin to taking blood money".

He added: "If he had a conscience or any sensitivity, he would not have taken this job".

Tory defence spokesman Gerald Howarth said: "It will be viewed with some contempt by the armed forces that he picks up this large cheque when he was happy to send British troops into battle ill-equipped and in insufficient numbers."

JPMorgan is heading a consortium set to make billions as Iraq's economy recovers from the war spearheaded by Mr Blair and U.S. President George Bush.

Full story...

Monday 7 January 2008

MI6's Sir John Scarlett: A Career of Increasingly Dangerous Failure

by Trowbridge H. Ford

Part II - Covering Up the Fallout from the Soviet Collapse

The assassination of Sweden's statsminister Olof Palme was a classic example of what Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) aka MI6 was organized to carry out, and was quite prepared to talk vaguely about it, once suspicions of some kind of conspiracy, especially of an Anglo-American nature, had been ruled out. Its 'young Turks', thanks to efforts particularly by agent John Scarlett, had put together a capability to commit assassinations on demand, especially in Northern Ireland, and to cover them up almost effortlessly while demonstrating to other possible targets the dangers of not taking such threats seriously.

Reporter Mike Smith discussed a bit too fully in New Cloak, Old Dagger: How Britain's Spies Came In From the Cold - a title befitting how SIS had responded to the alleged threats by the KGB to take over the world that Anatoliy Golitsyn had discussed yet again in New Lies for Old - how British intelligence was taking the fight to the enemy rather than continue to engage in the spy games. It all got really going with the exfiltration of Oleg Gordievsky from the USSR where operatives played the role of 'a cross between James Bond and the SAS'. (Quoted from p. 163.) Captain Simon Hayward aka Captain James Rennie was ideally suited for this role by being the Ops Officer of the 14 Intelligence Company's South Detachment in Northern Ireland - a unit noted for covert surveillances and deadly ambushes.

In the Palme case, SIS put together a team, it seems, within a KMS, Ltd. security reassessment of the performance of his bodyguards where no one in it knew what anyone else's role was, especially
Hayward's. "The need-to-know principle is strictly adhered to," Smith added, "and individual contract officers will not be briefed on anything other than their own role in the affair." (p. 162) Little wonder as the Cold War finally wound down that MI6 put out word that "...the service's reputation for covert operations and clashes with MI5 had been 'overplayed'." (ibid.)

However, Tony Geraghty was so candid in discussing in his books the role of Major David Walker's KMS firm in Britain's covert operations worldwide that the Ministry of Defence Police raided his home in late 1998, arresting him on suspicion that he had violated the Official Secrets Act 1989 by the improper use of secret government information in the The Irish War which put lives at risk. The arresting officers ultimately told Geraghty that they were looking for the source of his information about its surveillance systems in Northern Ireland - the bomb disposal expert Lt. Col. Nigel Wylde - but Rear Admiral D. M. Pulvercraft, secretary of the so-called 'D' Notice Committee, was much closer to the truth when he was forced to review the book after its publication, and when it was being prepared for a paperback edition, indicating that he would see to the removal of anything which he disapproved of. (Tony Geraghty, "knock, knock, who's there?," The Observer, review, January 3, 1999, p. 3)

The only thing missing from the original hardcover edition was the picture of Captain Simon Hayward on the back of its dustpacket when it was transferred to the cover of the paperback, but the Crown still went through the charade of prosecuting Geraghty for divulging information about its Vengeful and Mannequin artificial surveillance systems in Northern Ireland, hardly matters which put lives at risk. At the trial of Lt. Col. Wylde for permitting it, though, investigative reporter Duncan Campbell presented a long report for their defence, indicating that the information about the computer surveillance systems had long been known far and wide, resulting in the collapse of the prosecutions. For more on this, see Campbell's November 2, 2,000 article in The Observer, "Led by the nose", at:,3604,391340,00.html

Of course, this still left unanswered Geraghty's source for Hayward being such an important covert operator in Northern Ireland and beyond. Scarlett assumed that Hayward had talked to him about it - what the Ministry of Defence Police expected to find when they went through all Geraghty's files. They didn't because Geragthy had just taken advantage of what Hayward had written, in light of Geraghty's earlier work, The Bullet Catchers. In it, he showed considerable interest in cases where bodyguards either failed to protect their principals or turned out to be poachers, possibly in Palme's case. Moreover Geraghty mistakenly had an attempt on American Ambassador to Sweden Gregory Newell's life occurring before Palme's (pp. 247-8), indicating that the statsminister's bodyguards had been well warned of the possibility when he went out on the town with his wife without them despite new threats on the fatal night (pp. 388-9), oversights which could easily be corrected in any new work.

Moreover, Geraghty put the so-called 'shoot-to-kill' deaths of six unarmed republican volunteers in Northern Ireland during the fall of 1982 into the same category - the work of assassins. (pp. 383-4) More important, he wrote that John Stalker's investigation of the false cover stories by RUC Special Branch about the killings was stopped without reason, and that Attorney General Sir Patrick Mayhew had rejected calls in January 1988 for their prosecution on the grounds of national security - a decision which gave renewed credibility to the Provisional IRA despite its recent bombing of the Enniskillen Centopath. Again, there were mistakes and omissions which could be corrected in another effort - e. g., the involvement of MI5 in the killings, the existence of a tape of what happened to one of the volunteers, Michael Tighe, in the fall of 1982, and the fact that Britain was involved in another such operation at Gibraltar in 1988.

Little wonder that Scarlett hit the overhead when Geraghty' s The Irish War first appeared, thanks to what Hayward had already written, and MI6 had helped see to the publication of The Operators in the hope of giving credibility to his new persona, Captain James Rennie. Hayward had indicated in his biography, Under Fire: My Own Story, that the Special Branch officers could well have been covering up his role in the 'shoot-to-kill' incidents during the emergency in South Armagh in the fall of 1982, and that he was Rennie too. (p. 40) Moreover, Geraghty indicated that the 'shoot-to-kill' policy was in response to shipments of Libyan arms to the Provisionals from 1973 to 1988.

And Rennie made his association with all of this crystal clear when he wrote The Operators, especially by what he added in its Frontispiece about his military intelligence career, and what the Secretary of the 'D'-Notice Committee put his stamp of approval to. (See Arthur's Note.) In sum, HMG, despite all Scarlett's efforts, was still Geraghty's source about Hayward's role.

And there can be no doubt that Scarlett was responsible for initiating these illegal, disruptive prosecutions despite efforts to blame it on clueless officials like Attorney General Williams and SOD Geof Hoon since he had then become MI6's Director of Security and Public Affairs - what was his job to prevent the appearance of. Scarlett was most concerned that Geraghty was deliberately exposing SIS's deepest hitman who he had gone to the greatest lengths to give a new persona to.

The photograph on the back of the dustjacket for the hardcover edition of The Irish War had been taken by Philip Jones-Griffiths whose photographs of the Vietnam War had made him world famous, and it had not been cropped to prevent easy identification of Hayward since it included his right hand, noted for Hayward's shortened middle and ring fingers because of an accident incurred while serving in Cyprus. Moreover, Geraghty noted Rennie's recounting his special language training as a covert operator in Northern Ireland, though in doing so he placed Rennie's name in single quotation marks (p. 141), indicating that it was an assumed name, and not his original one that Hayward had claimed in The Operators. (p. 66)

And this was all occurring just after the 1999 Swedish Parliamentary Commission report on the Palme
assassination had appeared. It recalled the failure by Swedish police investigating the crime to follow up effectively on the picture aka "The Phantom" that a young artist drew of the suspected assassin she almost ran into about 10 minutes after the murder - what seemed to confirm what a subway ticket seller had claimed about a man stalking the statsminister before the assassination. The drawing looks much like the photograph of Hayward on the cover of Under Cover, and had induced MI6 to send over an informant to Stockholm three days after the assassination to tell former journalist Karl-Gunnar Bäck that the South African intelligence service was behind the assassination to throw investigators off The Phantom's trail. The success of the ruse is well demonstrated in the latest book on the murder, Jan Bondeson's Blook on the Snow, which maintains this covenient claim about the killing for SIS's benefit.

While the Anglo-American assassination of Palme - what Scarlett had been instrumental in arranging from Scandinavia, London and Paris - had gone off without a hitch, its fallout was completely counterproductive as the killing did not work out as planned. Instead of it triggering a non-nuclear conclusion to the Cold War - once his apparent assassin Stig Bergling and his new wife had fled to the USSR, what would have happened except for the spying for Moscow by CIA's Rick Ames, the Bureau's Robert Hanssen and others - it became an utter fiasco, resulting in the executions or imprisonment of the double agents still in the USSR who were to make all the necessary connections for the complicated conclusion to become a reality. Moreover, there were unexpected problems which made matters beyond recall, even after another attempt to restart the process in mid-March.

Thanks to the tip offs in Washington by Ames and Hanssen, the Soviets were not caught by surprise by the assassination - what KGB Chief Viktor Chebrikov alluded to when he gave his unprecedented press conference in Moscow during the 27th Congress of the Soviet Union's Communist Party on the morning of the shooting, and the agency underlined by closing its residency in Stockholm on the night in question so that the Berglings, if inclined, would be unable to do so. Säpo, the Swedish security service, had even bugged, with the help of the CIA's Stockholm chief Jenonne Walker, the Solna apartment of the Soviet ambassador to Sweden, Oleg Grinevsky, learning that even Moscow knew that the statsminister was going to be assassinated. Moscow just didn't know exactly by whom, and where.

Instead of Soviet nuclear-armed submarines hurriedly going on station - what US Chief of Naval Operations James Watkins had announced to the London Times readers just days before would result in their being sunk within a matter of minutes, resulting in Moscow no longer having any second-strike capability in case nuclear war broke out - its boomers were safely secure under the Arctic icepark or protected on station by killer subs. Consequently, US Navy Secretary John Lehman's fleet of 44 attack submarines, stalking them in the White and Barents Seas, had no easy targets to destroy, resulting in a most tense waiting period during which both sides were anticipating something dramatic would happen. It was fortunate, though, that nothing did for if it had, Moscow would have soon launched its 82 unknown, nuclear-armed SS-23 missiles on West Europe - what would have soon engulfed the whole developed world in nuclear Armageddon.

While Palme's apparent assassin Hayward easily made his escape from the murder scene on Stockholm's Sveavägen, possibly catching a half-hour later the overnight train to Göteborg when it stopped at the city's South Station, the double agents in the USSR had no such escape. Around a score of agents were ultimately captured - those who were to report Moscow's reaction to the surprise in Stockholm, and its response, plus any others suspected of playing some still undetermined role. The most obvious ones arrested were Sergei Motorin, Valery Martynov, and Boris Yuzhin who were to inform respectively the Americans that the scapegoat Berlings were on their way to Leningrad, the Soviets were not preparing their land-based ICBMs for launch, and the Red Banner Fleet boomers were rushing on station in anticipation of a Western attack.

The CIA did not learn of the full extent of its losses, and their causes for at least another six months, assuming that the disappearances were the result of some unknown factor. The KGB, consequently, decided to take further advantage of the confusion by offering in late March a 'dangle', who Langley dubbed 'Mr. X', to explain the losses, starting with the failure of Gennady Varenik to meet his case officer in Berlin, Charles Leven. Varenik had claimed that the KGB had contingency plans to murder American soldiers and their families with minibombs when they went out to public places. 'Mr. X', an alleged friend of Varenik's, claimed that the KGB had intercepted the cables that CIA was sending from its secret communications center in Warrenton, Virginia, thanks to a mole it had there. The Agency spent the subsequent time, testing 'Mr. X's claims, ultimately determining that they were untrue.

During this time, the US Navy continued its attempts to trigger a Soviet response to its provocations, hoping that it would show that Moscow was really behind the Stockholm shooting, despite the fiasco resulting from the attempt to have the Admiral Carl Trost's Task Force Eagle coopt NATO's Anchor Express Exercise into a real assault on the Soviets' Kola peninsula - what Palme had clearly indicated he would fight if he were still around. Olso had given the conspirators time for a new attempt by merely ordering an inquiry into the killing of its engineers while they were attempting to negotiate their way through avalanche-prone Vassdalen rather than immediately sacking those responsible, starting with Commander-in-Chief Frederick Bull-Hansen. Nothing happened, though, when the fleet of a half-dozen subs, led by the USS Dace on March 17th, entered the Barents Sea, and ships of Admiral Frank Kelso's Sixth Fleet operated just off shore from the Black Sea fleet headquarters at Sevastopol.

To keep British officialdom on board in case there were still Soviet responses to Lehman's continuing provocations, SIS now paraded Scarlett's prize defector, Oleg Gordievsky, before its conference on recent developments in the USSR at its headquarters in London. While officials of all Britain's intelligence agencies were invited - obviously to have broad departmental support in case London was required to join some surprise - no ministers were in attendance in order to keep any possible contingencies still secret.

Gordievsky presented the usual picture of the new Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, a typical apparatchik who was hiding Moscow's aggressive designs by acting as if he had new ideas for dealing with its problems. Mark Urban repeated in UK Eyes Alpha Gordievsky's recollection of how his SIS
colleagues had reacted to his claims: 'Good, good, you've got them eating out of your hand'." (Quoted from p. 30) For good measure, SIS had Gordievsky repeat shortly thereafter the performance at the Chief of Staff seminar at its operation facility at Fort Monkton on Britain's south coast.

When the second US Navy intrusion into Soviet waters was producing no surprises, the KGB, it seems, arranged the bombing of Berlin's La Belle Discotheque on April 5th, killng an American Army sergeant and a Turkish woman while wounding another 230 persons - what Varenik had claimed the KGB was planning. The attack was just the kind of action that Libya's Muammar Qaddafi, a leading Soviet client state, was notorious for carrying out, and what Moscow exploited in order to clear the air surrounding the still unsolved Stockholm shooting.

The Tel Aviv government had installed an unmanned radio transmitter (Operation Trojan) near Tripoli -as Victor Ostrovsky, a Mossad whistleblower, has described in By Way of Deception - to send messages worldwide in the name of the Libyan leader, and Vladimir Kryuchkov, the chief of its FCD who was most angry with Libya for helping sic the Anglo-Americans on the Soviets by arming the Provisionals, took advantage apparently of the capability before and after the attack by announcing its occurrence on the radio transmitter - what resulted in the American air attack on Tripoli a few days later from British bases, thanks to the support Scarlett had helped supply to its leaders through Gordievsky's efforts after France had refused permission for the overflights.

It was then that the National Security Council's Oliver North paid $100,000 to Walker's KMS firm for services rendered - what was clearly for arranging the shooting of the statsminister without any troublesome blowback. The payment was allegedly for the firm to take the rap if the arms-for-hostages dealings with Iran started being exposed. The Palme assassination had interrupted its efforts to get Gaddafi for apparently shooting up the Rome and Vienna airports the previous Christmas
(Christopher Andrew, For The President's Eyes Only, pp. 482-3), and now the Pentagon had made it look as if Libya had been responsiblbe for all the terrorism when, in fact, London, Washington, Moscow and Tel Aviv had been more so. When a C-123K supply plane for the Contras, carrying Eugene Hasenfus, was shot down on October 5th, he was, consequently, supposed to declare that he was workíng for Walker's firm, but he made it quite clear that he worked for the CIA's 'Max Gomez' aka Felix Rodriguez.

By the time the smoke settled from all this deception, London discovered that it was in a new policy environment with Thatcher determining that she could indeed do business with Gorbachev, and that Britain should establish similar relations with Gaddafi rather than trying to kill him, especially since
Swedish investigators had given up pursuing convenient scapegoats for the Stockholm shooting. Hans Holmér, the cocksure leader of the investigation who was convinced that the Kurdish People's Party (PKK) had done it, had hastily resigned on March 5, 1987 when his efforts led nowhere. This was just when Captain Hayward was putting the finish touches on his credentials for a top military post in Whitehall, having successfully ambushed the Provos' leading terrorist Seamus McElwaine back in Northern Ireland the previous April, and had just taken the PQS 2 examination for promotion to major. He was now on leave again, this time with his brother Christopher on another SIS assassination mission - to kill the Libyan leader.

This mission created a serious confrontation between MI6 and MI5 when the Haywards were obliged to close it down, and go to Ibiza to await further instructions. Shortly after their arrival at this Balearic island, there was a most serious meeting between them, agents working for the British Army's Force Research Unit (FRU), three agents from, it seems, SIS, CIA and France's secret intelligence service, and Provos' leading informant working for British counterterrorists, code name 'Steak Knife' apparently aka DOOK. The problem was that the Haywards' mission clashed the FRU's one to capture the Eksund, loaded with 150 tons of heavy arms from Libya for the PIRA's long-awaited 'tet' offensive.

The clash was further intensified by the fact that 'Steak knife' knew all about Simon's potting of Provos, thanks to the revelations that convicted Soviet spy and MI5 officer Michael Bettaney had supplied to other PIRA agents while on remand with them in Brixton prison, and would have nothing further to do with its capture unless Hayward was disposed of. While 'Steak Knife' apparently threatened to kill Hayward, he was willing to see him set up in Sweden for alleged drug-trafficking. (For more on this, see Under Fire, p. 57ff.)

The crucial arrangements for the set up were made by Simon's brother and his apparent MI6 handler, either Scarlett from Paris or someone working in his stead. Christopher Hayward arranged for Simon to drive his Jaguar - which the FRU had loaded with cannabis after it had been stolen while he was drinking with other of its operators - under the pretence that it was being purchased by someone in Sweden, and once Simon met up with his contact there, he was soon arrested by Swedish narcotics police.

Then it was just a question of whether the British authorities would allow him to be prosecuted or not - what depended upon SIS - with the help of the Swedish ambassador in Paris, Carl Lidbom, who just wanted any "suitable" solution to the fiasco - being able to establish a convincing scapegoat, especially the Berglings, finally fleeing to the Soviet Union. What finally tipped Stockholm's hand in prosecuting Hayward was his admission that 'Steak knife' was involved in his incarceration, what threatened IRA reprisals if he were simply released into British custoday. (p. 195)

When Anglo-American agents in Sweden were not able to arrange this in time - the Berglings belatedly fleeing to Leningrad in October 1987 - Hayward was prosecuted in July, believing that he was being punished by British intelligence officials for the shoot-to-kill murders in Northern Ireland that John Stalker was investigating. The tensest moment for the prosecution occurred when Hayward's appeal of his conviction was in recess, and he arranged for the Ulster Defence Association's John McMichael to kill 'Steaik knife' for setting him up, but the FRU's Brian Nelson redirected McMichael's assassins to murder Francisco Notarantonio instead so that the Eksund's capture by SIS was still on. The tensest moment for Hayward's British intelligence superiors occurred when they arranged his early release from prison in May 1989 - assured by their Swedish counterparts that drug-addict and notorious troublemaker Christer Pettersson would be convicted of the statsminister's shooting - only to learn that this was not the case when his appeal against it was affirmed when Hayward was released.

While this was going on, Scarlett was apparently deeply involved in seeing the the Eksund was captured by French DST agents off the Brittany coast - where the gun-seeking PIRA had been introduced to Libyan agents in 1972, and SIS was most eager to arrange the capture of without exposing its secret agent within the PIRA Council.

This success, however, hardly seemed worth the blowback. The Provos reacted to the Eskund's capture by blowing up Enniskillen on Remembrance Day in the hope of killing many British soldiers during a changing of the guard there, and Thatcher's government retaliated by arranging the killing of three, unarmed Provo volunteers when a similar event was planned at Gibraltar in March 1988 in the hope finally compromising 'Steak knife' with the PIRA Council, but to no avail. After that, the war in Northern Ireland started to spiral out of control, so much so that Thatcher was ultimately forced to resign in December 1990 after she decided to seek an unexpected, negotiated settlement with the IRA.

By this time, Scarlett was busily arranging the set up of Libya for more terrorism. On December 21,1988, Pan Am Flight 103 had blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people, including
Charles McKee's CIA investigative team returning from Bierut where it had been uncovering the deepest secrets of the Iran-Contra scandal - apparently Syrian Monzar Al-Kassar's efforts to free hostages there, and in Africa for the French in return for continued protection of his drug-smuggling operations. While this was going on, Al-Kassar's people learned everything they needed to know about how to stop it from returning to the States. When CIA's handlers of Al-Kassar in Washington
learned of this, they allowed a suspicious suitcase on the plane despite a NSA warning of an attack on an airliner, thinking, it seems, that it was just more of his drug operations when, in fact, his associates slipped a Semtex device on the flight originating from Frankfurt.

Uncovering the real cause of the Lockerbie tragedy was most politically inexpedient as London and Washington were increasingly focusing on a showdown with Iraq's Saddam Hussein. In any confrontation with the dictator, it was essential to have both Syria and Iran at least on the sidelines, something impossible if Al-Kassar, brother-in-law of Syria's intelligence chief, and lover of its despot Hafez Al-Assad's neice, were ever indicted for the crime. As in the Palme assassination, the failure to find some apparent culprit for the mass murder - what could increasingly not be simply blamed on unknown terrorists - was putting more and more pressure on West Germany's counterterrorists for apparently allowing it to happen. The real story had to be buried, as Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen wrote in The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time, "in the graveyard of geopolitics." (p. 286)

Scarlett, it seems, was the grave digger. On September 19, 1989, a Union des Transport Aériens (UTA) flight exploded over the Sahara in Niger while on its way from Brazzaville to Paris, via N'Djamena in Chad, killing all 171 passengers, including American Ambassador to Chad Robert Pugh's wife Bonnie, leaving "...a scene all too reminiscent of Lockerbie, Scotland." (Ted Gup, The Book of Honor, p. 310) The similarity was not missed by France's DST, and Scarlett, the SIS resident in Paris, either, and they soon started connecting together the two bombings at Libya's expense.

Robert Pugh was the deputy chief of mission in Beirut who had had to clean up the mess when the American Embassy was bombed in April 1983, and the resulting CIA Counterterrorist Center (CTC) to stop such atrocities required a no-holds-barred solution to the Lockerbie bombing. Inter-agency cooperation of the highest degree, both domestic and foreign, was required if any culprits were ever to be caught, given the new legal restraints on how intelligence operations were to be conducted.

The task was to link Libya as having "...been ulimately responsible for both Pan Am 103 and UTA 772." (Ibid.) While authorities were searching the desert for the wreckage of the French airliner, they apparently found the circuit board which was responsible for the IED explosion - what reminded investigators of what had happened to the same UTA flight back on March 10, 1984 when it exploded without loss of life while parked on the tarmac in Brazzaville - and now Anglo-American authorities worked together to create the same scene in the Scotland wreckage. A CIA agent planted parts from the same kind of detonator in the wreckage area of the Lockerbie crash while looking for belongings of its deceased personnel which was found by Bureau agents in early 1990 while they were searching for evidence of what caused the crash.

As in the Palme fiasco, Scarlett worked with the former SIS agent in Oslo, Robert Andrew Fulton apparently aka Mack Falkirk, who became its chief agent in Washington. While Scarlett was persuading his superiors to allow the CIA and FBI complete access to the Lockerbie crash site, Fulton was priming their superiors back in Washington to make the most of the opportunity. Scarlett put the icing on the cake, it seems, by persuading Abd Al-majid Jaaka, a Libyan intelligence officer who had defected to the British embassy in Tunis, to tell his story to the Americans in Rome, and claim that
two former colleagues had prepared the bomb which blew up the airliner in revenge for the UK/USA bombing of Tripoli after the Palme assassination. The ruse was so successful that by the time Libya finally handed over the two fallguys for trial in Holland, Anglo-American covert operators were completely in charge of the prosecution.

Scarlett's particular contribution to their conviction, as MI6's Director of Security and Public Affairs, was to persuade disgruntled MI5 whistleblower Daivd Shayler to join SIS, and to claim that Gaddafi's destruction of Pan Am flight 103 had so angered SIS that it had plotted to assassinate him, with Al-Qaeda's help, in 1995/6. As Shayler and his former mistress Annie Machon have written in Spies, Lies & Whistleblowers: while there was no credible evidence that the Iranians were behind the Lockerbie bombing (pp. 126-7), there was no question that Gaddafi was. (p. 3) With everyone fixed on the alleged SIS assassination of the Libyan leader, it helped make their claim about Lockerbie tragedy a foregone conclusion.

To add injury to injury, Machon and Shayler made it sound as if Scarlett was the victim of some kind of British Stalinism where intelligence service chiefs were obliged to go along with what their political bosses demanded. As Dame Stella Rimington had explained her appointment to head the Security Service in her autobiography, Open Secrets, as learning to go along with her superiors, so Scarlett became SIS director general after his time as head of the Joint Intelligence Committee where he supinely agreed to the doctoring of the 'dodgy dossier' on Iraq's alleged WMD to suit the demands of Downing Street. (p. 7) They added:

"David has always said that the intelligence services are anything but meritocratic, with those not rocking the boat more likely to be promoted than those who stand up for what is right. Scarlett's appointment has provided more than ample proof of that." (p. 357)

To show that this was anything but the truth, Scarlett then arranged for his buddy Andrew Fulton to officially resign from SIS, and take up a visiting professorship at Glasgow's School of Law, though he had had no legal training, much less any legal degrees. In 2000, he volunteered his services as legal advisor to the Lockerbie Commission on briefing the press about the trial, and his handiwork became so notorious that he was forced to resign, once his background became known. For a sample of it, see what Machon and Shayler did with the British media's attempts to exonerate Qaddafi for
Lockerbie. (p. 120ff.)

To put the lid on Britain's last miscues of the Cold War, SIS entrapped Michael John Smith (code name BORG) as a spy for Moscow while Scarlett was still serving in Paris in the hope of clearing up all the deaths of scientists involved in America's Strategic Defense Initiative at Smith's and apparently Soviet expense. The Thatcher government had hoodwinked the scientists into joining the Initiative under the misconception that they were working for a similar British spy satellite program, ZIRCON. Britain's effort in the program was, consequently, low-keyed, covert, and bilateral, as Trevor Taylor explained in "Britain's response to the Strategic Initiative" in the spring 1985 issue of International Affairs - what became truly known to all the scientists when Downing Street went to special efforts to prevent reporter Duncan Campbell publicizing anything further about it in January 1987.

While around two dozen scientists died under suspicious circumstances, some obviously the result of accidents, and suicides caused by private concerns, the most troubling ones were caused by six employees of Marconi Company, Ltd., a subsidiary of Britain's largest-defense contractor, the General Electric Company (GCE). An article in The Independent claimed that the suicide rate at Marconi was twice the national average of mental healthy people, and either it was employing very unstable scientists or something was very wrong there, so much so that its managing director, Lord Wienstock, ultimately ordered an internal investigation of the deaths. Since December 1985, Smith, despite his having lost his security clearance in 1978 because of his Surrey Communist Pary connections, had been working as quality assurance engineer at GCE's Hirst Research Centre in Wembly.

Scarlett attempted to connect Smith to the suicides, especially at Marconi, by having Soviet double agent Viktor Alekseevich Oshchenko (code name OZEROV), who had been a Line X officer at the London residency before Smith lost his clearance, make up stories about his original spying for Moscow, and now try to connect him to the dead scientists, one way or another. The only thing of any substance regarding the former was Smith's alleged supplying the Soviets with information about, and a replica of the radar fuse used for its freefall nuclear bomb, the top-secret project XN-715 - what Soviet nuclear weapons scientists at a military research institute called Enterprise G-4598 used to build their own fuse. (For more on this, see Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and The Shield, pp. 422-3.)

Scarlett's more ambitious project was to get Smith to supply documents from GCE to Oshchenko, showing that it was his spying which led to the suicides or murders of the scientists, especially Vimal Dajibhai, a computer software engineer at Marconi Underwater Systems; Ashaad Sharif, a computer consultant at Marconi Defence Systems; Victor Moore, a design engineer at Marconi Space Systems; David Sands, a satellite project manager at a Marconi sister company; Trevor Knight, a computer engineer at Marconi Space and Defence Systems; and John Ferry, an assistant marketing director at Marconi. "Perhaps these scientists have been blackmailed into supplying classified data to Moscow and could no longer live with themselves," a report on the internet suggested. "One or more have have stumbled onto an espionage ring and been silenced."

To make it appear that Michael Smith was this Soviet agent, SIS arranged for a Mr. Harrison, apparently either Oshhenko or an agent of his, to contact Smith, and get him to provide any secret information he could lay his hands on by an means. Smith seemed the ideal candidate for such entrapment, given his CPUK past, and his present employment. And he was willing to make some
extra money, disclosing commerical secrets, given the fact that the Cold War was now over, and he provided material for which he was paid £19,000 over two years.

The trouble with the take from Smith that Oshhenko received was that it did nothing to supply answers about the most troubling deaths of the scientists, and did nothing to show that he was an important,
blackmailing spy, as Mark Urban explained in UK Eyes Alpha after he had been convicted of serious spying, and given a harsh sentence: "An equally good case could have been made that the low-grade civilian material Smith supplied was not damaging to national security." (p. 222)

The reason that the security services threw the book at Smith was for fear that a more convincing answer to the fate of the scientists would be supplied by others, especially by counterparts in the collapsing USSR. To make Smith's exposure look like a big deal, SIS coordinated the exfiltration of Colonel Oshchenko from France in July 1992, as if it were a repeat of Oleg Gordievsky's troubles with his KGB employers seven years earlier back in Moscow, and Smith was hoodwinked into meeting a MI5 agent, calling himself 'George' and feigning to be a friend of Oshchenko's, the following month in Kingston-upon-Thames where he was arrested by Special Branch officers.

While this was just the beginning of Smith's problems, it just supplied more for Scarlett's continuing ones.

Thursday 3 January 2008

We were ruined by reality TV: The humiliated families who dreamed they would be stars

By the way, if anyone here is in reality television, kill yourself. Thank you, thank you. Just a little thought. I'm just trying to plant seeds. Maybe one day they'll take root. I don't know. You try. You do what you can. Kill yourselves. Seriously though, if you are, do. No really, there's no rationalisation for what you do, and you are Satan's little helpers, OK? Kill yourselves, seriously. You're the ruiner of all things good. Seriously, no, this is not a joke. 'There's gonna be a joke coming...' There's no fucking joke coming, you are Satan's spawn, filling the world with bile and garbage, you are fucked and you are fucking us, kill yourselves, it's the only way to save your fucking soul. - The Ghost of Bill Hicks

The producer of the reality TV show looked Claire Molyneux squarely in the eye. "Claire," she said, sharply. "Just what does it take to break you?"

Forty-year-old Claire, a council officer from Sheffield, looked back blankly, blinking with astonishment.

For the past week, Claire's home had become a television studio, with wires trailing through the rooms, cameras set up everywhere and a huge caravan parked outside the house, to her neighbours' amazement.

Claire had, in her innocence, signed up to appear in an ITV programme called Take My Mother-In-Law.

"It was to be my 15 minutes of fame," she says. "I signed up in a fit of madness, and I have regretted it ever since." And she is not alone.

The number of reality TV shows in the UK has almost doubled over the past two years. Each week, it seems a new reality show appears on our screens, usually with an ever more bizarre format.

But as Claire and many others have found, there can be a downside to having 15 minutes of fame.

Full story...

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Anglo-American ambitions behind the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and destabilization of Pakistan

Another story that had my conspiracy hairs tingling. Ok, on the sub-continent and especially Pakistan assasinations are pretty standard, but this one is going to cause all sorts of problems. The Pak officials are claiming she died by hitting her head on the sun-visor of her car - if this wasn't a black op then it's definitely a "Darwin" award!!

It has been known for months that the Bush-Cheney administration and its allies have been manuevering to strengthen their political control of Pakistan, paving the way for the expansion and deepening of the “war on terrorism” across the region. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto does not change this agenda. In fact, it simplifies Bush-Cheney’s options.

Seeding chaos with a pretext

“Delivering democracy to the Muslim world” has been the Orwellian rhetoric used to mask Bush-Cheney’s application of pressure and force, its dramatic attempt at reshaping the Pakistani government (into a joint Bhutto/Sharif-Musharraf) coalition, and backdoor plans for a military intervention. Various American destabilization plans, known for months by officials and analysts, proposed the toppling of Pakistan's military.

The assassination of Bhutto appears to have been anticipated. There were even reports of “chatter” among US officials about the possible assassinations of either Pervez Musharraf or Benazir Bhutto, well before the actual attempts took place.

As succinctly summarized in Jeremy Page’s article, "Who Killed Benazir Bhutto? The Main Suspects", the primary suspects are 1) “Pakistani and foreign Islamist militants who saw her as a heretic and an American stooge," and 2) the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, a virtual branch of the CIA. Bhutto’s husband Asif Ali Zardari directly accused the ISI of being involved in the October attack.

The assassination of Bhutto has predictably been blamed on “Al-Qaeda,” without mention of fact that Al-Qaeda itself is an Anglo-American military-intelligence operation.

Page’s piece was one of the first to name the man who has now been tagged as the main suspect: Baitullah Mehsud, a purported Taliban militant fighting the Pakistani army out of Waziristan. Conflicting reports link Mehsud to “Al-Qaeda,” the Afghan Taliban, and Mullah Omar (also see here). Other analysis links him to the terrorist A.Q. Khan.

Mehsud’s profile, and the reporting of it, echoes the propaganda treatment of all post-9/11 “terrorists." This in turn raises familiar questions about Anglo-American intelligence agency propaganda involvement. Is Mehsud connected to the ISI or the CIA? What did the ISI and the CIA know about Mehsud? More importantly, does Mehsud, or the manipulation of the propaganda surrounding him provide Bush-Cheney with a pretext for future aggression in the region?

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How Britain became party to a crime that may have killed a million people

From George Monbiot in the Guardian, I think he sometimes waffles on about climate change but this article is one I agree with completely.

Not having a written constitution allowed Blair and his advisers to go to war without reference to parliament or the public

If you doubt Britain needs a written constitution, listen to the strangely unbalanced discussion broadcast by the BBC last Friday. The Today programme asked Lord Guthrie, formerly chief of the defence staff, and Sir Kevin Tebbit, until recently the senior civil servant at the Ministry of Defence, if parliament should decide whether or not the country goes to war. The discussion was a terrifying exposure of the privileges of unaccountable power. It explained as well as anything I have heard how Britain became party to a crime that may have killed a million people.

Guthrie argued that parliamentary approval would mean intelligence had to be shared with MPs; that the other side could not be taken by surprise ("do you want to warn the enemy you are going to do it?"), and that commanders should have "a choice about when to attack and when not to attack". Tebbit maintained that "no prime minister would be able to deploy forces without being able to command a parliamentary majority. In that sense, the executive is already accountable to parliament". Once the prime minister has his majority, in other words, MPs become redundant.

Let me dwell for a moment on what Guthrie said, for he appears to advocate that we retain the right to commit war crimes. States in dispute with each other, the UN charter says, must first seek to solve their differences by "peaceful means" (article 33). If these fail, they should refer the matter to the security council (article 37), which decides what measures should be taken (article 39). Taking the enemy by surprise is a useful tactic in battle, and encounters can be won only if commanders are able to make decisions quickly. But either Guthrie does not understand the difference between a battle and a war - which is unlikely in view of his 44 years of service - or he does not understand the most basic point in international law. Launching a surprise war is forbidden by the charter.

It has become fashionable to scoff at these rules and to dismiss those who support them as pedants and prigs, but they are all that stand between us and the greatest crimes in history. The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg ruled that "to initiate a war of aggression ... is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime". The tribunal's charter placed "planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression" at the top of the list of war crimes.

If Britain's most prominent retired general does not understand this, it can only be because he has never been forced to understand it. In September 2002, he argued in the Lords that "the time is approaching when we may have to join the US in operations against Iraq ... Strike soon, and the threat will be less and easier to handle. If the UN route fails, I support the second option." No one in the chamber warned him that he was proposing the supreme international crime. In another Lords debate, Guthrie argued that it was "unthinkable for British servicemen and women to be sent to the International Criminal Court", regardless of what they might have done. He demanded a guarantee from the government that this would not be allowed to happen, and proposed that the British forces should be allowed to opt out of the European convention on human rights. The grey heads murmured their agreement.

Perhaps it is unfair to single out the noble and gallant lord. The British establishment's exceptionalism is almost universal. According to the government, both the Commons public administration committee and the Lords constitution committee recognise that decision-making should "provide sufficient flexibility for deployments which need to be made without prior parliamentary approval for reasons of urgency or necessary operational secrecy". You cannot keep an operation secret from parliament unless you are also keeping it secret from the UN.

Full story...

Happy New Year!

Picking up the pieces from a rather crazy December, codshit will be back on form in the next day or so!

Let's hope the New Year brings some good things - less war, poverty, bigotry, terrorism and all that other stuff.