Thursday, 30 June 2022

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Captain Vlandle

The G7 Super-Friends

When they were done with the important meetings, little Joey took the seven super-friends on an exciting bicycle adventure in the Alps. After they were done they went back to their clubhouse for ice-cream. They all had a wonderful day

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

The Great Transhumanist Future

A glimpse of the transhumanist future they have in store for us if we let them have their way

Friday, 17 June 2022

WEF After Dark

Ever wondered what they get up to after dark at the WEF in Davos?

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Chasing Dissent Podcast

Join me and Chasing Dissent live this evening 

Monday, 6 June 2022

Davos Monkeys

From a couple of weeks ago before I reactivate the blog. This one was a lot of fun

Sunday, 5 June 2022

The Royal Reptiles

All of the reptiles from my Jubilee special

Friday, 3 June 2022

Icke was right

When you have a friend over and should be entertaining them but something pops into your head so you get all anti-social and photoshoppy. I present my Jubilee pièce de résistance, I'll probably be in a cell in the Tower by morning but it will have been worth it #IckeWasRight

You Vill Eat Ze Bugs - Chasing Dissent Exclusive

The fourth of the six pictures I did that were shown only on the Chasing Dissent podcast that I did not so long ago. It was a lot of fun and there are still two pictures left that haven't been seen anywhere else. Enjoy!

Tropical Cockwombles

Looting and pillaging the world is exhausting so the cockwombles are having a holiday. They never stop arguing and bickering so you really wouldn't want to be with them, even in a lovely tropical paradise their bile and venom poisons the very air around them.

Thursday, 2 June 2022


The background image for the site features the lost underwater city of Vlandelantis where the little fishy cockwombles gather to worship the statue of Saint Zelenskyy

He's back!

After a very long absence I've decided to reactivate the blog. Mainly as a place to store my art but I won't be removing any of the old posts. Sorry for the lack of images in the archive, I stupidly never downloaded the original images and in the intervening years the links have gone down. There are too many to go back and replace them so that's just the way it is. The archive is a wealth of information collected over many of the opening years of the new millennium. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @edthetechie