I found this story in the BBC which is relevant because it shows you the extent to which US personnel have been involved in nefarious activities around the world (besides, of course, their official nefarious activities carried out in the name of the Bush junta), including the brutal rape of a 12 year old girl. Think about it people, if the population of this country learned that it was American servicepeople who carried out the murders there's no way in hell that Phony Tony and the Cronies would get any support at all for the Iraq invasion or the stoopid WoT for that matter!
US Marine Major Michael J Brown, 39, has denied attempting to rape a woman in her car last month.
Under a 1995 accord with Japan, the US is required to give "full favourable consideration" to all requests to hand over a serviceman who is charged with a serious crime.
But the Japanese foreign ministry said the US had turned down its request, prompting what the Japanese government described as "extreme regret" at the US position.
Full story...
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