Tuesday, 2 October 2007

The Voice of the White House - September 27, 2007

With rumors of war making the usual rounds in official Washington (mostly planted leaks) it is true that a lunatic Bush, pushed by Cheney, the Neocons and the Israeli Embassy, really wants to attack Iran. He has no troops and the senior officers are coming very close to open revolt, as are the troops in Iraq. But all of this to one side, I am planning to comment on something that most of us know as do the victims but which is not talked about in the media. To be blunt, the arch conservative Republicans detest black Americans, consider them inferior, welfare queens and would love for them to be exported to Africa, in theory if not in practice. The deliberate abandonment of the poor black population of New Orleans is typical of these proto-fascists but right now, there is sick horror in the far right circles that the dread Obama might actually become president! They could put up with Hillary but never Obama! “My God,” Bush said in a meeting three days ago, “that would be the end of this country if a Goddam nigger ever got into the White House!” Isn’t that a wonderful thing to hear about? And this is nothing new but it is coming more and more out into the open. I have a strong feeling that unless the Democrats wise up and do what they were elected to do, namely stop the war, there will be some amazing happenings come the next election. And one Senator said to me that it’s too bad a tidal wave doesn’t hit the marina here and drown the lavatory-loving Craig. Believe me, the GOP stalwarts hate the sight of him. He will probably lose his bid to withdraw his plea but he has made it very clear he will never quit. Maybe someone will cut his boat adrift while he’s sleeping on it and it will drift out into the Atlantic and be run down by a passing submarine.

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