Just for the record, and given the storm of comments this post has provoked, the title was taken from the original posting. I do admire anyone who stands up to orthodoxy, I admire Copernicus for the same reason, but I do not necessarily agree with Zundel or all of the post I've reprinted below - same goes for everything on this crazy website! Jebus, if I believed all this stuff I would be in a loony-bin, and I'm not! Why don't people understand that? The words reprinted below are those of the author, my intention is to inform and deliberately flaunt the incarceration of this man, he wrote a book, he didn't try and take over the world. He simply wants to express his opinion.
Some more on the Zundel story, it never ceases to amaze me how such a blatant violation of everything we in "democratic" societies hold dear can occur under the very noses of all of us. This story puts us all to shame. None of the cowards in the mainstream media dare speak of the influence of the Zionist Scum for fear of being sacked and labeled an "anti-semite" well guess what? I do! If loathing the vile, racist, violent, bloodthirsty, hateful and corrupt state of Israel, or opposing the imprisonment of anyone for expressing an OPINION is anti-semitism then, by gum, I am an anti-semite and bloody well proud of it! The ignorance in this world will be the fuel by which hundreds of thousands of innocents burn. Our "civilisation" is nothing of the kind, we are a primitive, barbaric child-race not much different to a bunch of baboons!
Who could possibly admire a man that has sustained nothing but continuous persecution from society at large, who has been the victim of an ongoing smear campaigns launched more than three decades ago, who has suffered from every conceivable attack on his character, finances, family and even on his life? Who could think highly of man who despite all these things, and despite the fact that he is in prison at this very moment, not for a crime, no…no…. but because he questions certain aspects of the holocaust story?
Again, I ask, who could ever appreciate a man who for the last several decades has devoted himself to bringing forth the unpopular views of hard working academics, who were it not for Ernst Zundel, may be unknown today, and their work tossed into the sea of forgettable historiography, not based upon its undeniable merit, but based upon the fact that it didn’t sit well with mainstream and politically acceptable views?
How could anyone possibly hold a man like this in high regard, when there are so many other courageous individuals out there willing to stand up for their views, heroes that wouldn’t consider apologizing for their beliefs, like American politicians? For instance, when Jim Moran boldly exclaimed the obvious fact that Israel stood the most to gain from a U.S. war in Iraq, and in fact was influencing American foreign policy by way of a few well placed American Zionist officials. What about Trent Lott, who stated at a GOP function that the United States would have been, better off today had Strom Thurmond become president back in the 1950s. What about the daring exploits of Howard Dean, the Democratic parties best bet in 2004, a man unafraid to take a stand on an issue he can apologize for later. Yes, America is full of courageous people, people unafraid to throw their neighbor to the crocodile, in hopes of being the last eaten.
If I were interested in apologists and hesitant stands on ambiguous issues, I’d have plenty of heroes to admire, right here in the United States. Being an academic, I could seek out other academics to idolize and/or admire, there are so many courageous examples, although I can’t think of one right now. Some of you might shout, "Hey, what about Noam Chomsky?" I’d just say, been there done that, and found the esteemed professor "sympathetic" to Ernst Zundel’s plight, "outrageous," he even exclaimed, but in the end, he felt that it wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interests, if he were to speak out too vocally on Ernst’s behalf. Academic cowardice?
What about all the gutsy journalists working for the prestigious networks and newspapers? Certainly, these bold "defenders" of truth and justice would write an article on the illegal nature in which Ernst was deported from the United States to Canada, where he was subsequently thrown quietly into a solitary confinement cell in the Toronto West detention Center, in Toronto Canada. Or how in 2005 he was quietly deported from Canada to his native Germany where he now sits more than a year later after numerous trial delays initiated by his persecutors. These brave journalists would definitely be interested in an expose on how the new terrorism laws are already being abused to silence dissent.
The idea that Mr. Zundel is a threat to any nations national Security is ridiculous, the man hasn’t committed a violent crime in his entire life and has never been convicted of a crime that wasn’t later overturned in Canada’s highest court. The brave and courageous purveyor’s of "fair and balanced" news haven’t written an article yet, that even approached an equitable portrayal of Mr. Zundel. Ernst Zundel’s crime is that he is politically incorrect, a nonconformist and no matter what the powers that be throw at him, he just won’t apologize and prostrate himself in feigned humility like so many of our illustrious leaders. He is dangerous only to the status quo, and they know it, that in fact is why he currently languishes in prison, not because he actually represents a danger to society.
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