Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Jewish Control of the British Media

Excellent expose! Of course I'm a dirty, nasty anti-semite for even thinking that Jews might have undue influence in the media!

As in America, Jews have an almost total grip on the both the electronic and printed media in Britain, and consequently shape ‘public opinion’ and government policy by simply choosing which news they wish to disseminate, and in what manner. In this way, they have promoted the ‘multicultural and multiracial’ policy of Third World immigration and ‘anti-racism’ for so long, that they have nearly succeeded in demonizing even the slightest opposition to such policies.

Television and Radio


The Independent Television (ITV) network is divided into fourteen regions, all of which are controlled by two Jewish-controlled companies, Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc. Carlton controls Central, London, West Country, and HTV Wales and West: while Granada controls Anglia, Border, Granada, London Weekend, Meridian, Tyne Tees, and Yorkshire. The Jew Michael Green heads up Carlton Communications plc., and the Jew Steve Morrison heads up Granada plc.

Carlton Channels division also includes 50% of London News Network, 25% of GMTV and 20% of Independent Television News (ITN). Carlton Productions is a major producer for ITV, producing drama, entertainment, factual, comedy, and children’s titles, investing over £200m a year in producing new television programs for ITV, BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5 and digital channels. It includes the producer Planet 24, responsible for Gay Time TV, and the supplier of game show formats Action Time. Carlton International controls and sells a library of 2,000 films and 18,000 hours of television programs to over 100 countries. Carlton America produces seventeen films for television each year. Green is also Director of ITN, which provides the news for the ITV network, of GMTV Limited and of Thomson multimedia in France. He is also Chairman of the Media Trust.

Granada plc. owns seven of the ITV stations: Anglia, Border, Granada, London Weekend, Meridian, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire. It broadcasts to 60% of Britain’s homes. Its other ITV investments are ITN (20%), GMTV (25%), London News Network (50%), and the Scottish Media Group (18.1%), which controls Grampian, and Scottish. Granada Creative produces nearly 9000 hours of original television programs and films per year, which it sells to more than 120 countries. It made 60 % of the ITV Network’s original programs in 2000.


Managing Director of this formally state-owned broadcaster is the Jew Tony Cohen. The Jew Alan Yentob is Director of Drama, Entertainment, and Children’s Program for all of BBC television. Formerly, Yentob was Director of Television from 1997 to 2000, and before that, Director of Programs.

According to Broadcast magazine in 1996, his former title gave him "control over all non-news BBC programs including those for satellite channels and those in English for the World Service." The atheist Jew, Alan Bookbinder, has headed up BBC’s Religion and Ethics division since July 2001.

BBC Radio

The Jewess Jenny Abramsky is Director of BBC Radio and Music and has control of all of BBC Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Live, and of the BBC’s digital radio operation. Abramsky is the most powerful executive in radio in the UK, public service or commercial: with control of the five national radio stations, she oversees 49% of all radio listening in Britain. She has an annual programming budget of £290 million, a staff of 600 and takes home £258, 000. She has spent over 30 years in BBC Radio, only taking a two-year break as Director of the BBC Continuous News Services. Abramsky has also been a Governor of the British Film Industry since February 2000.


British Sky Broadcasting is a significant television broadcaster in the United Kingdom, and a part of the global media empire, News Corporation. Newscorp is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who had a Jewish mother, Elizabeth Green. According to Jewish law, this makes him Jewish. His daughter, who is chief executive of BSkyB, is married to a Negro. British Sky Broadcasting is Britain’s leading pay-TV provider and one of the world’s top 250 companies. It broadcasts news, entertainment, and sports programs to over 10 million subscribers and their families in Britain and Ireland, which includes five and a half million subscribers to its digital satellite service, which was launched in 1998 with 140 channels. By 1999, satellite and cable television channels accounted for over 15% of total UK viewing. Murdoch has spoken of "my faith and News Corporation’s faith in the integrity and worthiness of the Zionist undertaking," and has explained that, "I have always believed in the future of Israel and the goals of the international Jewish community."

Pinewood-Shepperton Limited

Pinewood-Shepperton Limited is the result of the merger of Britain’s two leading film and television production studios, Pinewood and Shepperton. It is controlled by the Jew Michael Grade, who is the nephew of the Jew Lew Grade, also a film producer and one of the founders of the ITV network. Michael Grade was formerly Controller of BBC 1 in 1984, Director of BBC Programs in 1986, and as Chief Executive of Channel 4 from 1988 to 1997, he was dubbed "pornographer-in-chief" by the Daily Mail.


Express Newspapers

Express Newspapers owns the Daily Express, the Sunday Express, and the Daily Star. The Daily Express has an average daily circulation of 927,785, and is Britain’s second leading mid-market paper. The Sunday Express has an average circulation of 842, 003, and the Daily Star 828,823. All together Express Newspapers distributes an average 13 million newspapers in Britain per week. Express Newspapers was bought in November 2000 by the Jew Richard Desmond, who made his fortune in pornography.

News International

Rupert Murdoch, (discussed earlier under BSkyB) also owns News International, which runs The Sun, The Times, The Sunday Times, and News of the World. The latter has an average daily circulation of 4,042,714, and The Sun of 3,507,176. They are the two best selling daily papers in Britain, with a joint average daily circulation of over 7.5 million copies, with perhaps twice that many people actually reading them. The Sunday Times has an average weekly circulation of 1,383,683, being the best-selling Sunday broadsheet, and The Times a daily circulation of 717,657, being the second best-selling daily broadsheet. Altogether, News International distributes over 50 million newspapers a week in Britain.

The Telegraph Group

Another major newspaper group in Britain is the Telegraph Group Limited, which was recently sold by Hollinger International Inc. to a company owned by the Catholic Barclay brothers, more famous for the bank of the same name. The Telegraph group publishes the Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph, the Weekly Telegraph, and The Spectator magazine, as well as other, lesser media interests, including The Saturday Telegraph. Although the outright owners of these papers are therefore not Jewish, the editorial stance remains identical to the other media forms in the UK: solidly pro-Jewish.

Hollinger International, the former owners of these papers, belongs to the gentile, Conrad Black, who is married to the Jewess Barbara Amiel. Black referred to the Palestinians in his Jerusalem Post in 1993 as "vile and primitive," while Mrs. Black, likened them to "animals" in the November 7, 2000 edition of their Telegraph.

Conrad Black explained that, "If editors disagree with us they should disagree with us when they’re no longer in our employ. The buck stops with ownership. I am responsible for meeting the payroll; therefore I will ultimately determine what the papers say and how they’re going to be run."

Associated Newspapers

The flagship national circulation newspaper of Associated Newspapers is the Daily Mail, which has an average daily circulation of 2,477,416. The Managing Director of the Daily Mail is the Jew Guy Zitter.

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