Sunday 18 May 2003

Bilderberg Convenes In Versailles

Once again AFP has the low-down on these perverters of democracy, thanks to them and Tony Gosling is able to bring you news from inside Fortress Bilderberg.

Snoop on them, as they snoop on us!

The annual meeting of the global elites kicked off mid May in secrecy. However, two resourceful AFP correspondents were there to greet them, unveiling to the world what goes on behind closed doors when the world’s most powerful meet to discuss pressing issues of the day.

by James P. Tucker Jr. and Christopher Bollyn

The rift between American and European Bilderberg participants is widening over both the U.S. invasion of Iraq and blind, blank-check support of Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

These are hotly debated topics as Bilderberg luminaries began filling the posh Trianon Palace Hotel on May 14.

Another issue high on the Bilderberg agenda is the proposed European Union army independent of NATO. Unlike the other two major issues, this is not a confrontation between Americans and Europeans. All Americans oppose the EU army, but so do many Europeans. Leading the anti-army European faction is “Lord” George Robertson, secretary-general of NATO.

French President Jaques Chirac, as head of the host state, delivered a welcoming speech during Bilderberg’s first full working day on Thursday, May 15. Chirac tried to calm tensions by recalling that, despite dissension over the invasion of Iraq, Americans and Western Europeans are traditional allies. France was among the harshest critics of the war and the U.S. administration is bent on “punishing” the French.

Germany and Russia were harsh critics too, like most European states, but Secretary of State Colin Powell, even as Bilderberg was meeting, traveled to both those countries for make-up sessions.

Bilderberg’s annual secret meeting was delayed for hours by people they scorn as the unwashed multitudes—workers in France. Their strike on May 13 allowed only one in five planes to land at deGaulle International Airport and at the older Orly Field in Paris.

Versailles is a short distance from Paris. The “one day strike” was so successful—with millions of supporters filling the streets of Paris and other cities—that it was extended through Thursday, May 15.

Bilderberg staff had started slipping inconspicuously into the Trianon on May 13, preparing for the planned shutdown about noon the following day. On Thursday morning, May 15, the last of the Bilderberg luminaries were arriving in long, black limos, behind police escorts and shrieking sirens.

Bilderberg had planned to shut down the Trianon Palace at noon on May 13, as usual, so their functionaries could arrive absent the masses. Instead, the Trianon was open to the public until late Wednesday evening and the shutdown occurred early Thursday morning. Then Bilderberg commenced its work.

Until last year, when meeting in the Washington suburb of Chantilly, Va.—near Dulles International Airport for security reasons in the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attacks—Bilderberg had a tradition of congeniality.

Three sources within the Trianon Palace are providing detailed information about what is transpiring behind the guarded, sealed-off resort.

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