What Else Hasn't Israel Told America?
We have already learned of the Israeli role in the war on Iraq. But aside from policymaking, American and Israeli media have informed us, on several occasions, that Marines Corps were dispatched to Israel to learn of the 'successful' Israel army tactics used to 'quell the Palestinian uprising in the Jenin refugee camp. (US News & World Report--Feb, 17, 2003)
But if America, the brave, humbled itself to the point that it accepted to draw its lessons from the tiny nation of Israel, then maybe its time to learn the Lebanon lesson from start to finish.
When millions of people around the world set to avoid the unjustifiable American army invasion of Iraq, they were moved by a straightforward point of reason: one, you don't impose democracy, and two, you don't free a nation with cluster bombs, let alone the lack of legitimacy and the unmistakable business interests tainting the Iraq "war adventure" from day one.
Others wished to see their resentment regarding the war as part of a greater, and more complex picture.
In the last few years, there was more than one self-indicting doctrine, composed by the George Bush administration's top players that sought world dominance, even before the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001. A quick flip through the 90-page document: "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century", a blue print for future American foreign policy drawn by the same famous characters that have orchestrated and implemented the invasion of Iraq, would highlight the American quest for world dominance, for the sake of cheap energy and strategic control.
Marginalizing the United Nations, forging a British war alliance and invading Iraq was outlined in the document, and has been implemented, word for word. But "even should Saddam pass from the scene, bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will remain permanently--despite domestic opposition in the Gulf regimes to the stationing of US troops--as Iran may well prove as large a threat to US interests as Iraq has".
It's the above scenario that many of us fear, as we witness American government's eagerness in re-shaping the future of our world and the future of coming generations.
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