Thursday, 19 December 2002

Global Gulag: New World Order vs. America

Hands up who wants to live in a Global Dictatorship where everyone has a chip implanted their skin that lets the system control them?

By the way, contrary to popular belief; resistance is NOT futile!

No longer can the critics of the NWO be called kooks, believing in a weird conspiracy. That kind of dismissal will not fly. The press abounds with admissions from well known politicians, captains of finance, movers and shakers of all kinds. The need for silence about reality does not exist. The plan succeeded. The New World Order rules.

Those are the facts, even if you want to deny them. Debate is over, proof of design is evident in official policy. The notion of decree from the top, filtering down to the bottom is indisputable. Illusions are not needed any longer because the means of control for society have been achieved. The Mattoids have known and developed this scheme for scores of decades. Only the captive, bound in velvet chains would deny their place in prison.

What matters is the grandee "Global View". The forces against humanity claim to be their benefactor. Nevertheless, the record of recent history demonstrates that the war for earthly dominion is the struggle between "collectivism" in all its forms and the preeminence of the natural rights within all individuals. If you fail to appreciate that Communism, Socialism, Fascism are mere forms of the same dictatorship, you will never understand the nature of the continuous struggle. There is no right or left difference in these offshoots of the same despotism. Their claim that the STATE is supreme, can only lead to tyranny. Their goal absolutism! And their method of rule is always based upon coercion, command and control.

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