Monday, 16 December 2002

A Father Pleads For Marine Son

War is about people killing and people being killed. There's no glory in killing a weaker enemy, no honour in the theft of a nation's resources. For all the evil which is Saddam Hussein and Osama bin CIA, why can we not look at those undeniably evil men who empowered, armed, supported and financed them? The same evil men who now mislead the general population into thinking Saddam is evil incarnate rather than they themselves - and whatever happened to evil Osama? How many more people must pay the ultimate price so that these evil and utterly repulsive men can grow even fatter and more wealthy? Must the human species still conduct its affairs with this naked brutality? How can those evil men sleep at night knowing that the sheets they sleep under, the bed they sleep on and the house they sleep in are tainted with the blood of innocent people?

If Saddam is evil it is only a reflection of the greater evil which created, nurtured and sustained him.

by Charley Richardson

My son Joe is an Arab language trained radio reconnaissance commando in the Marines. I have attached a picture of Joe and me on the last weekend I saw him before he shipped out to the Middle East. I was lucky enough to find a last minute flight to North Carolina, so I could spend a weekend with Joe on the outer banks. We body surfed, rode bikes and relaxed -- as if the world wasn't crashing around us.

Joe was convinced that he would soon end up in Iraq.

I don't want any of our sons and daughters to die for oil interests and Bush's political gain. I certainly don't want Joe to get hurt, or to have to hurt someone else, because George Bush's ego and his financial backers won't allow a reasoned, multi-lateral approach to the situation with Iraq. And I don't want innocent Iraqi women, men and children to die.

I was outside a store the other day, listening to the clerk talk to two customers about the possibility of war. The clerk was arguing against unilateral action, questioning the line put out by the administration. The two customers were both saying that we should attack now. I wanted to go in, and show them Joe's picture and say, “This is my son. He might die in your war. Now tell me why this has to be done.”

But I didn't. And I regret it.

Full story..

I Am Sorry: An American Apology for Oppression