Thursday, 21 November 2002

While Media Spotlights One Anthrax Suspect, Another Is Too Hot to Touch

Isn't it weird how Philip Zack has never even been mentioned, not even in the BBC documentary that screened on this side of the pond. Not suprising really but one would hope that Auntie displayed a little more zeal for discovering the TRUTH rather than just moronically parroting government policy and dressing it up as news. Shit, they probably don't believe anything unless it comes off their Reuters (Rothschild) printer anyway. Oh and if any BBC "journalists" are reading this and feel offended by what I've said; GOOD because you people need to sort your shit out!

The most likely culprit of the anthrax attacks was Philip Zack. This is a man that was sued by two of his co-workers for racist remarks against them -- both of the co-workers were of Arab descent. After encouraging everyone to believe Arab terrorists had done this, why didn't the mainstream media come clean when it was revealed that an anti-Arab racist was to blame?

America’s mainstream press finds some stories too hot to handle. One of the most egregious examples of this is its coverage of the hunt for the perpetrator of the post-9/11 anthrax letters—a matter of concern to all Americans. After an initial flurry of reports, the media inexplicably ignored the FBI’s laborious search for the person who last fall mailed anthrax-laced letters to news organizations and the Capitol Hill offices of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (S-SD) and Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT).

Did the U.S. media merely lose interest after the government failed to find an Iraqi or al-Qaeda connection, and therefore could not link the postal terrorism to Sept. 11? Or was the press warned off the sensitive subject? After months of silence, in August the subject of the anthrax attacks once again hit the newspapers and network TV stations. The scientist in the spotlight, however, may be little more than a hapless “fall guy.”

Five people died and more than a dozen more were made seriously ill from exposure to the deadly Ames variety of anthrax. Americans across the country feared opening their mail. It’s a safe bet that, had a Muslim- or Arab-American scientist been the prime suspect, press coverage would have been unrelenting.

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