Thursday, 7 November 2002

Tycoon who believes security agents killed Diana and Dodi

by Mohamed Al Fayed

So the Queen finally came through for me.

Her warning to Paul Burrell has confirmed what I have been saying for the last five years.

By telling him to be "vigilant" so soon after the tragedy in Paris which took the lives of Diana and my son Dodi she was acknowledging her own deep suspicions.

Diana told me on more than one occasion of the malevolent influence of the security services in her affairs and of her very real fears that her life was under direct threat from them.

We know that the Queen, alone among the Royal Family, maintained a relationship with Diana after her divorce and it is highly likely that Diana also confided her fears to Her Majesty.

If, after Diana's death, Her Majesty then chose to warn Burrell about his own safety it indicates that she took Diana's fears seriously and had more than an inkling about what lay behind her death.

But who are these sinister forces?

Full story...