Wednesday 6 November 2002

The plot thickens...

Now we have the Queen giving Burrell warnings that his safety was potentially at risk due to his relationship with Diana. Curious, I must admit I had it written off as something dodgy. This whole case has me really perplexed; it's obvious that Burrell is a loyal guy, both to Diana and the Queen. However there are still large numbers of questions hanging in the air. If anyone knows where the "bodies" are buried it's Paul Burrell. He seems like a smart guy and if he really was party to a lot of Diana's secrets then he too must have questions about the circumstances of her death. If he has hard evidence of any "nefarious" activities then my guess is that he's given them to a lawyer or someone simillar with instructions that they are released in the event of something untoward happening to him or his family...?

Former Royal butler Paul Burrell has claimed the Queen warned him his closeness to Diana, Princess of Wales, could put his safety at risk.

He says the dramatic comments were made during the same three-hour meeting that, when eventually recalled by the Queen, triggered the collapse of his trial for theft last week.

In an interview with the Daily Mirror newspaper, for which he was paid £300,000, he says she told him: "There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge."

Mr Burrell also claims that the Queen tried to build bridges with Diana before she died.

Full story...

Interview in the Mirror...
Shadows that Haunt the Queen
The Queen comes through for Blair every single day