by Michael C. Ruppert
There are a multitude of dangling questions about Tuesday's election results. Widespread anecdotal accounts of voting irregularities, disenfranchised voters and absolutely accurate and, in many cases, understated criticisms of abysmal leadership from Tom Daschle and the Democratic Party are not difficult to find. While pundits are trying to spin that the Republicans don't have a blank check, the fact is that they do and will now use every ounce of leverage they can squeeze onto it. I totally agree with James Carville -- a less than likeable, ruthless, crusty, hard-ball operative from the Clinton years -- who said last night, "The American people just don't have a clue as to what's coming."
As I write, the biggest transport ships operated by the Navy have already or are now setting sail for the Middle East, laden with main battle tanks and all the equipment necessary for invasion. At Ft. Hood, Texas elements of the III Armored Corps and the 1st Air Cavalry are quietly leaving in small detachments.
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