These plutocrats are never the ones who sacrifice their sons and they are always the only ones who profit from war. It is we, the people, who will have to pay the price in blood for their megalomaniacal desires. They wish to blind us to the truth because only the full force of humanity can avert the coming firestorm. As long as they can say that those of use who oppose their insanity are "terrorists" or "conspiracy theorists" or "crack-pots" then they can dupe the rest of the population into laying down their lives for the "New World Order".
Montagu Norman had been Governor of the Bank of England for many years. He and his right hand man Otto Niemeyer (of German origin) had persistently backed the re-arming of Germany made loans to Germany and encouraged the financiers of the City of London to do the same. Norman supported and financed Germany's cause right up until the Declaration of War.
When German troops crashed into Czechoslovakia in September 1938 Germany claimed Czech assets. They applied through the Bank for International Settlements, of which Norman was a Director, for the release of Czech gold held in the Bank of England.
The financial tomfoolery that followed would leave anyone confused, but the outcome was that £6,000,000 worth of Czech gold was transferred to Hitler's Government, released by Norman.
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