Friday, 25 October 2002

Strike Two...!

Another Hero of Codshit is definitely Hugo Chavez, a new breed of Latin American leader; THIS IS EXCELLENT NEWS! It shows how much power the people can have if they put their minds to it!

Venezuela Troops Ignore Revolt Call

The military ignored calls by 14 dissident officers to rise up against President Hugo Chavez, officials said, and the Venezuelan leader appeared to have fended off yet another attempt to boot him from office.

Thousands of Chavez opponents rallied at an eastern Caracas plaza, and there were smaller protests in other cities, but there was little indication so far that the officers' demands, made Tuesday, would force Chavez from office.

``We've been in contact with every barracks throughout the country, with every command ... and there is absolutely nothing happening,'' Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel told The Associated Press. ``Every commander totally repudiated these coup plotters who decided to go on an adventure.''

Even the so-called Democratic Coordinator, a coalition of opposition parties and civic groups, distanced itself from the dissident officers. The group had backed a general strike Monday by thousands of Chavez opponents.

Full story...