Thursday, 17 October 2002

A Royal Pain in the Arse

This is a great example of why we need a Republic, NOW! Our so-called "royal" family are some of the biggest arms-peddlers this side of the galactic rim, and we the British people subsidize their "nefarious activities". Shit, they're probably selling Saddam weapons as I write this!! If you ask me, it's time to show those sponging Windsors the door, either that or we make them part of a new "reality" TV show. Now that would be funny!

Iraqis target Prince Andrew at arms fair

Prince Andrew had an embarrassing encounter with an Iraqi delegation in Jordan yesterday while attending an arms fair to promote British exports.

A group of 10 Iraqi representatives carried out what Radio 4's Today programme described as a "strategic jostle" into the Prince's party, forcing him to look away.

An aide of the prince told him: "It's the Iraqis, Sir." Prince Andrew's response was: "God, the Iraqis," and quickly looked in the opposite direction.

The prince, along with the defence minister, Lord Bach, was attending the Special Operations Forces Exhibition (Sofex) in Amman this week to support British companies.

Prince Andrew's equerry, Major Rob Olney, today said today that he was not at the fair to meet the Iraqi delegation. "He's here to promote British investment and trade in the Middle East," Major Olney said.

Full story...