Wednesday, 23 October 2002

America, Open Your Eyes!

Evil cannot root out evil!

A stranger has been terrorizing the American capital for several days in a row already. A sniper is killing innocent people. Americans are afraid to go outside of their houses or offices. No one wants to become the next victim of the invisible terrorist. Washington authorities recommended that people move in zig-zags, not to stand on one and the same place motionless.

The sniper has reportedly killed nine people and wounded four. It has just been informed that a sniper has started shooting again. The British television network Sky TV said that there a man was wounded in the chest. The incident happened around the same area where the sniper has already “appeared” five times. FBI agents and police officers are trying to find out if it was the Washington sniper who struck again.

Nevertheless, it does not really matter what the police are determine. It was rumored that the sniper was a cadet from a French school. Those rumors are not relevant either. We won’t talk about the details of the whole mystery – how someone sends notes to the police or gives more threats of more murders. News agencies and the television will tell you all about it.

We would like to point out the fact that the American capital is now living in fear. Everyday living has been broken, completely destroyed. The United States has to deal with the fruit of its misanthropic policy against the rest of the “second-best” world. Will the sniper turn out to be a fanatic Arab Muslim or just a European radical (who went crazy over the “welfare” of Western democracy). This is very significant.

The United States and its population gradually realize, what pain, fear, and horror are. These are not the feelings that Hollywood has been exploiting in its movies. This is the real life.

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