Wednesday, 14 August 2002

Greed is Good!

There isn't much more to add except to say that we must at all costs destroy the power of corporations, at the end of the day as long as these rich fat fucks think they have us blinded to their bullshit they'll continue to treat us like sheep. People like Rupert Murdoch are so arrogant that they think they control what people think, problem is that they do! Look at how popular the heinous and evil Big Brother show is! It's almost like they're CONDITIONING US TO BE SPYED ON ALL THE FRAGGING TIME!!!!! Damn! I just came up with another reason to hate Big Brother... If anyone has more Reasons to Hate Big Brother leave them in the comments section below or email me and I'll collate them and put them up... Thinking about it, I may check to see if the domain is available!

Ex-Enron Execs Seek Millions in Severance
By C. Bryson Hull

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Several former Enron Corp. insiders who earned a combined $25 million in the year before the company crashed are asking for millions more in severance pay, a question a bankruptcy judge on Monday said he will answer later this month.

The list of executives includes the wife of former chief executive Jeff Skilling, Rebecca Carter, and former vice chairman Mark Frevert, who has asked for more than $6 million in severance pay. Carter, who was Enron's corporate secretary before marrying Skilling in March, wants another $875,000.

The executives are among 46 laid-off employees who opted not to participate in a settlement that would provide up to $13,500 in severance to each of the workers laid off as a result of Enron's Dec. 2 bankruptcy. The Houston-based energy merchant said in a court filing that it has paid $32 million in severance thus far.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Arthur Gonzalez said he would decide by the end of the month whether those who opted out of the severance deal are entitled to anything, and if so, how much.

If Gonzalez rules the insiders are entitled to more than they would have been paid under the deal, those who have agreed to it can back out and send the process back to the drawing board.

Full story...