by Trowbridge H. Ford
Without doubt, the most destructive, recent 'false flag' operation has been the 'sleeper cell' one that the Mossad put together to entrap neo-Nazis wanting memorabilia of Hitler's regime - particularly pieces of the entrance sign to the Auschwitz concenteration camp - to help fianance attacks on governments which were not doing enough for Israel.(1) It turned into an uttter fiasco when middleman in any transfer, Anders Högström, turned whistleblower - what ultimately induced the terrible blowback by Anders Brevik in Norway. He turned deadly on the authorities who had aided and abetted its efforts without real results up until then, killing 77 of the up-and-coming supporters of Norway's government by bombing Oslo's government center, and then shooting Labor youths being indoctrinated to take over on a nearby island.
The attacks were more deadly and destructive of Israeli interests than the so-called Lavon affair where agents of the Israeli Defence Force, posing as agents of Egypt's Nasser regime, carried out attacks on American and British facilities in 1954, only to be caught red-handed in the process. The blowback then only resulted in the execution and imprisonment of the culprits, and undermined the reputation of many of Israel's leaders while the blowback from Breivik's massacre destroyed much of the support that the Jewish state had in Scandinavia.
Meir Dagan's Mossad was most upset by the surprise fiasco as it expected the heist of the Auschwitz rntrance sign to be the crowning achievement of his tenure as director - what would restore flaging support for Israeli interests because of what Hitler's regime had done to the Jews during The Holocaust. The sign would be transported and cut up in Sweden for sale to collectors of such memorabilia for money which neo-Nazis would allegedly use to finance terrorist attacks upon Swedish government buildings and leading politicians because of weak support of Israeli interests, especially their supplying support for Muslims displaced by the continuing conflicts in the Middle East. This way Tel Aviv would achieve the best kind of result - rekindling support for its claims about anti-semitism while hurting those who cared for those hurt by its conflicts while at the least risk of any serious blowback.
The mission had been hastily called after the expected death of rabid anti-semite James von Brunn who had shot up the American Holocaust Museum in Washington the previous July, and whose trial because of the murder of a security guard was sure to garner new support for Israel.
Högstrom was most interested in setting up infamous neo-Nazi millionaire, Lars Göran.Whalström, in Sweden as the cruel collector of such memorabilia. Högstöm had started the violent Nationalist Front in the early 1990s, apparently with Whalströms help, but he turned against it in 1999 after it assassinated trade unionist Björn Söderberg. He also started the group Exit to assist like-minded neo-Nazis leaving the movement. The heist was a 'false flag' operation to make up for the unexpected death of von Brunn.
The Mossad was planning on selling it to targets whose exposure - like Marc Garlasco of Human Rights Watch, and later a UN most Senior Human Rights officer -would be more productive. Garlasco really isn't an anti-semite, and denier of The Holocaust, only an official who did not suit Israel's interests while dealing with the Palestinians. When Högström discovered that the stolen sign was not on its way to Sweden, but stored nearby Auschwitz to be shipped on a Corendon airliner to Israel where it would later be transported elsewhere for sale, he turned informer.
Breivik was most interested in arranging a sale with an English millionaire in Stockholm of the same sort for the Mossad mission because he was starting to run out of funds because of his comings and goings. He apparently had financed his operations by selling gifts he had been given to avoid the authorities wondering where his funds were coming from. Högström's informing made any operation difficult to put together, forcing him to rely more and more on just his own efforts.
There were also problems of sending Högstrom to Poland for his involvement in the crime because he could stymie an extradition request by justifying what he had done - what would certainly reveal Corendon's involvement in the shipment, and that would implicate Captain Thomas Salme in the process. Salme had gotten into flying while working as a mechanical engineer for SAS airlines at Arlanda Airport. He could have become a role model for the 9/11 highjackers as he just decided to move into the cockpit by forging the necessary credentials while practicing on a flight simulator for Boeing 737s.
As Salme expalined on the Kevn Trudeau Show about the crude Swedish flying permit he put together with just a logo and a regular piece of white paper: "It wasn't laminated, and looked like something I'd put together at home." (2) At the time, the commercial flying business in Europe, especially cargo flights, was lacking qualified pilots, and he used the shortage without question to pilot flights for 13 years with Air One, Jet 2, Apollo, Air Sweden, and Turkey's Corendon where he had been a captain for two years.(3)
The Swedish Transport Authority, to make up for its lack of oversight regarding Salme's being a pilot, and to take advantage of what Högstrom knew, got rid of the problem by tipping off ones in Holland about his lack of qualifications, and he was conveniently arrested just before takeoff in a Coredon flight from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on March 3, 2010.
For all the trouble and embarrassment Salme had caused, one would hardly know it by the way he was treated. A Ducth court fined him $2,500 for flying without a license all those years, and prohibted him from flying for a year. Then he was treated as a celebrity, appearing, for example, on the Kevin Trudeau Show, as if he were just another crazy highjacker who found fame for it. Jouranlist and publicist Stefan Lovgren is helping Salme write his autobiography, 13 Years in Heaven, and found a publisher for it. It will apparently appear in 2012 - thanks to Norstedt's, one of Sweden's oldest, and most respected publishers, taking it on. Certainly showed, as the old adage goes, crime pays.
Breivik certainly didn't miss the disparity in treatment between Högström and Salme, deciding that he would proceed alone, as best he could, in his efforts - a crusade which not only settled scores with his betrayers but also with the authorities who had not taken them too seriously. In late August and early September, Breivik was in Prague to purchase arms for some kind of shootout. He even hollowed out the areas underneath the seats of his Hyundai Atos so that they could be filled with an AK-47, a Glock pistol, and rocket and hand grenades. Brevik even took up a prospectus about mining so that it could justify his seeking explosives for even greater carnage. He came back to Norway empty-handed, though, discovering that it was easier to obtain such items in Oslo than in the Czech Republic.
Meanwhile, Högström had the book thrown at him by the Polish authorities. Once he had been extradicted there, it was just a matter of time before he was sent to the cooler. Marcin Auguscinski, who had been recruited by Högström to do convenient neo-Nazi missions while he worked on his family's estate in southern Sweden, filled in all the details about the theft that he and other Poles had carried at Högström's direction, leaving no other one higher to be exposed in the Mossad operation. By December, Högström was headed for 32 months in prison for serving as its middleman - what he managed to be served in Sweden by year's end because of his cooperation in the investigation.
Breivik by then had decided to use a suicide bomber to do the trick, relying upon what the English Defence League (EDL) had been able to gather to finance such operations, and an operative to do it. The EDL had long had a jihadist, Glasgow nursing student Ezedden Al-Khadeli collecting money in bank accouts that he had esblished at TSB, the Post Office, The Halifax, and The Bank of Scotland, often with the use of stolen identities. He had become at jihadist while attending the University of Luton, along with Swedish resident Taimour Abdulwahab aka Al-Abdaly. He was persuaded to become a suicide bomber, thanks to almost all the money that Al-Khadeli had collected. The target would be Stokholm streets - not its government buildings and officials as originally planned, it seems, by Whälstrom's neo-Nazis - filled with Christmas shoppers.
The plan was an ingenious one where an unsuspected jihadist obtained the necessary equipment - fertilizer, pressure cookers, batteries, and mobile phones to trigger the explosions - and set them off in a country whose capital was considered one of the safest places on the planet. While the Czechs had put Breivik on the watch list for wanting similar items, the Norwegians didn't, considering him not to be dangerous. Anders helped in the disguise by buying on the internet 300 grams of sodium nitrite - a good chemical to triggeer an explosion - from a Polish supplier, Wroclaw, just at this time, showing that he was apparently using the fertizer he had bought to further his mining plans back home.
On December 11th, it was easy for Al-Abdaly to drive into central Stockholm from a suburb, park his car on Drottingatan, and set it afire - what caused people to take shelter when it feebly exploded. Then he went into another street, and his bomb belt started exploding, most likely accidentally, killing himself and injuring two passersby. He, it seems, didn't know how to wire a string of bombs in series with cables.
The most suspicious aspect of the suicide bombing was that an onlooker suddenly appeared on the site, and took zoom-photos of the dying bomber - what two people witnessed, and a 24/7 surveillance camera had taken pictures of belonging to a shopowner who had installed across the street for his own security. The police, and the security agency, Säpo, were surprisingly not interested in viewing it - what could at least identify who he was.
Thr bombing certainly did not have the desired effect of Islamophobes, though it did quite frighten the public. Sweden did not tighten up its security laws. The eavesdropping agency, FRA, was not given greater powers to find such suspected terrorists - what was used by some to explain the litttle success that the suicide bomber had had. More important, the Swedish government did not tighten up its admission of immigrants, especially Muslims from the Middle East, from seeking sanctuary in Sweden. The most telling sign of the mission's failure was the e-mail which was sent to Säpo and the Swedish news service (TT), demanding that Sweden withdraw its 500 troops from the NATO mission in Afghanistan, and justifying such violence because of Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks protraying Mohommad as a dog (4) - what the government has gone out of its ways to show that it has no intention of changing these policies.
The failure of Säpo and the police to take advantage of the video that the shopowneer offered looks more suspicious, though. The government, in November, had appointed a special prosecutor to look into the American Embassy in Stockholm, spying unlawfully on Swedish citizens. It was going along with what the Norwegians were doing when similar charges were made about the Embassy in Oslo.(5) In neither, it seems, had American security informed the respective government authorities of what they were doing - what could only be justified in Stockholm if the Americans had placed signs below their dozen monitoring cameras, explaining that they were taping the scene.
It would prove most contradictory if the Swedish authorities then used the illegal videos that the shopkeeper had made to get to the bottom of the plot, so they just forgot about the whole matter, especially since only the suicide bomber had been killed in the bombings.
The person most upset by all this was the photographer who had taken the close-ups, apparently Anders Breivik. Instead of having a scene of carnage whose photographs would put all people in Scandinavia on notice about the capabilities of Muslim jihadists, he was left with little more than close-ups of the incompetent deceased - what were of no use to him or anyone else.
Despite all the claims about Breivik's verbal abilities, he was most involved in photography and creating art to represent his reality. This he now used in finishing his famous 2083 - A Europesan Declaration of Independence, and his day-by-day entries in his diary. It was filled with all kinds of pictures, photos, digitally-enhanced images, cartoons, and made-up propaganda in case viewers could not glean the meaning of his verbal attacks upon cultural marxism, multiculturalism, islam, muslim immigration, feminisim, and the like. It is a illustration of what can be done with photo psychology and reading pictures.
Anders' fixation on his looks was well illustrated when he went to America for a face job after some Muslim friends had broken his nose, scared his forehead and chin in a fight which helped make him an islamophobe. His incredible narcissism was portrayed in the self portraits he took of himself as a Freemason, a Norwegian military hero, and a covert operator or photographer - what he is most worried about authorities suppressing now with less glamoress ones. The killer is obsessed with appearances - what was the root cause of his undoing.
More important, it revealed a knowledge of Anders Högström which everyone, especially authorities in Norway, have completely forgotten about. Instead of talking about it in a way which would expose and hurt Högström for his betrayals, though, Breivik spoke of him as a like-minded comrade in arms. "Now we have come to the conclusion," Swedish afternoon daily Aftonbladet explained, "that mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik believed that plans (for such attacks) could have been started by his sister-cell in Sweden."(6) About who was leading the sister-cell, Breivik hoped that it was Högstörm, leading one of the neo-Nazi organizations in Sweden. "I have always wondered, " Breivik added, "if there are real nationalsocialists or like-minded persons who are supporting my efforts. Perhaps, there are comrades who are with and connected to the knights Templar, my sister-cell?" (7)
Breivik was also setting up shop and testing explosions in Norway so that he would prove far more effective in arousing the West about the threat than Al-Abdaly had. In May 2011, he finally gave some semblance of life to his alleged farming interests by buying six tons of fertilizer for bomb making at his Geofarm at Åsta, 83 miles northeast of Oslo, and then moving there to test a bomb - what he accomplished on June 13th. He claimed that the project cost him around 300,000 euros.
It took him - the knight Justiciar grandmaster of the new Templars who he had even portrayed himself in the closing pages of his manifesto when the Muslims had allegedly been chased back by 2083 to where they had come from - another six weeks to get his targets straight, and screw up the courage to get it started. He had to find some competent Muslim he could trust to do a bombing in Oslo, something he thought was impossible and never materialized. Or else, he had to find some like-minded Norwegian who waa willing to become a suicide bomber to achieve his goals.
But in making up for Högstrom's betrayals, and Al-Abdaly's imcompetence, he overlooked the facts that he was not a Muslim, and Högstrom was never on his side, so doing dirty work allegedly with them was bound to become increasingly confusing.
One can only suspect that his original supporters - especially Director Meir Dagen of the Mossad, now not wanting to retire on such a risky note - had decided that Breivik had outlived his usefulness, and had dropped him, explaining why he decided to turn the tables on it by attacking those in Scandinavia who opposed its efforts, not realizing how stupid it would seem, and counterproductive it would be.
As a Norwegian, he should have settled for a car bomb at one of its mosques, and taken his chances by fleeing the country .By bombing public offices in Oslo, resulting in eight deaths, and killing another 69 at the Labour Party's Worker Youth League summer camp at Utoya only made some kind of sense until the authorities found out that he was just like them, another native Norwegian. He had just lost the thread of the whole plot while atttempting to carry it out.
What had triggered the chaos was the announcement by Eskil Pedersen, the head of the Labor Party's Youth Movement, that it was calling upon the government to impose an "unlimited economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side" because of its continuing mistreatment of the Palestinians, as the tabloid Dagbladet reported two days before the shooting. The announcement sent him into a complete tailspin which he resolved by setting off the van, filled with explosives outside the goverment complex, only to rush off to the island to kill those who were willing to support the embargo until his cellphone pleas to the security authorities as one of its Commanders to stop it was achieved when its Delta force arrrived on the scene, and he had run out of ammunition.
In short, because of the confused, convoluted history Breivik had had in trying to punish the jihadists at old neo-Nazi expense, he had become the paranoid schizophrenic that his apologists belatedly acknowledged.
1. For more, see my article about the Auschwitz sign heist.
2. Jesus Diaz, "The Guy Who Flew Thousands Of Passengers As A Fake Pilot," May 18, 2010.
3. For more, see: http://www.thelocal.se/25330/20100303/
4. http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/Europe/12/11/Swden_explosion/Index=html?hpt=T1
5. http://cnn.com/2010-11-06/swden_us-investigator_swedish-law-Swedish-authorities-stockholm?_s=PM:WORLD
6 http://aftonbladet.se/nyheter/terrordadetinorge/article13376839.ab
7. Quoted from ibid. in english.