Tuesday, 20 November 2007

The Voice of the White House - November 19, 2007

What we have in Pakistan is a Keystone Cop drama being played out by the grossly incompetent CIA agents there (Hello Mr. Mason!) that would have you rolling around on the floor screaming with laughter if it weren’t so pathetic and, eventually, very dangerous. The Bush people are scared shitless that the Taliban will take over the government in Pakistan, after blowing the other side to bits, and then get their hands on Pakistan’s formidable nuclear arsenal. Bush knows he can’t do anything with the Pakis so the next step under discussion is to locate all the weapons caches, bring in U.S. troops (as new Embassy employees and aid groups), make lightening raids on the depositories and whisk them off to several targeted airfields where U.S. aircraft will be ready and waiting to fly up and away from the evil ragheads. Given the gross incompetence of the CIA, whose people have been blabbing to all and sundry about this, the bombs will no doubt be misdelivered to the Tamal Tigers or perhaps the Zapatistas in Mexico. Not only are our Blessed Leaders now making pant loads, the Israelis are also screeching with terror lest the Taliban drop something nasty on them (which it is now believed they are planning to do) Will Dudley Doright succeed? Will Justice be done? Bush picked the wrong horse over there like he always does but this time, if the steely-jawed Saviors of Democracy can take time out from waterboarding old men and cripples but are not successful in even one raid, there will be fallout all over the Gulf. Or the San Fernando valley. Of course the Taliban could nuke India as a second choice which would shut down the very many American businesses who have all moved there. That will teach them to throw Americans out of work, won’t it?

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