Thursday, 7 July 2005

London Terror Attacks

by DJ Paul Edge

Today saw an attack on British soil by purported "Islamic Terrorists". 33 people are dead and hundreds injured. To my knowledge, all my friends and family in London are safe, and I thank God for that, although I know a lot of people in London, so I will not be able to relax over the next few days. My prayers go out to the families of all those who have been murdered or injured and then I ask myself, just whose interest does this attack serve?

My first reaction is to scream and yell and apportion blame. My first reaction is to feel anger and hatred. My first reaction is to want revenge for this attack on my home town, for the terror and fear it will subject my family to and for the deaths of my countrymen. My first reaction is to cry out to God in anger. My first reaction is to question what this world is coming to. People killing people for bogus causes, the sanctity of life reduced to a valueless commodity. Then I ask myself, just whose interest does this attack serve?

Of course London is used to terrorist attacks. I grew up with the boogeyman who then was the IRA, now it is Al Qaeda. Unlike the Americans, the SAS will not mess around, they will not be worried about civil liberties, whoever is responsible for these attacks will be caught. We the British people are a friendly bunch, but attack our own and all hell breaks loose. I worry for the millions of innocent Muslims living in London, Birmingham, Manchester and other areas. The disgusting National Front will no doubt be out in force delivering its own retribution to some poor innocent muslim family. Over the next few weeks, the grotesque neo-Nazi Skinhead movement will gather new recruits and expand their creed of bigoted Racist hatred.Then I ask myself, just whose interest does this attack serve?

What saddens me even more, is the fact that this feels like it was an inevitable occurence. In recent months British support for Dubya and Blair`s War on Terror was waning. The British Government had recently announced a plan to withdraw troops from Iraq. British public support for the war was waning to the point of being non-existant. And now this happens. Then I ask myself, just whose interest does this attack serve?

As I look at the political events in America, the Abu videos are due to be released, Karl Rove is in deep trouble over leaking an undercover CIA operative`s name to the press, the DSM movement was gathering momento, Americans were losing faith in the "War on Terror". There is chatter about impeachment.All this is now driven from the main stream media as the focus is diverted onto the attacks in London. Then I ask myself, just whose interest does this attack serve?

I look back to September 11 2001, Bush`s approval ratings were through the floor, then 3000 Americans were murdered. Of course there couldn`t be another attack on US soil, because that would negate the very reason for Bush`s survival, namely keeping America safe from terrorist attacks. An attack on British soil however, well that achieves everything Dubya needs at this time. Then I ask myself, just whose interest does this attack serve?

The English people are not like the American people. They will not rise to the beating of the jingoistic drum. They will want answers and will demand answers. The British police will deliver those answers. There will be no retribution, there will be justice, and that justice will be served, irrespective of who is behind these attacks. Then I ask myself, just whose interest does this attack serve?

America the time is now. You have got to make a stand or you will lose the support of the British people. Do not be distracted by the events in London, this is our problem and we will take care of it. The evil people who committed this attack will be brought to justice. Do not allow pictures of destruction to sway your resolve. Do not allow the eyes of fear to scare you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. Do not let the demons run amok any longer. For this attack was carried out by demons, the question is, were they demons in robes or demons in suits and ties? Then I ask myself, just whose interest does this attack serve?

Ask yourself the question that millions of people in England will eventually ask when we bury our dead and finish our mourining. This question should have been asked in America after 911, it wasn`t. Now is the time to ask it. Just whose interest does this attack serve?

This is a choice, right now, between fear and love. This is a choice right now between freedom and tyranny. This is a choice right now between liberty or enslavement. Make the right choice.

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