Tuesday 3 May 2005


Snoop on them as they snoop on us! Watch things happen after this next meeting, they always do...


by James P. Tucker Jr.

European Bilderberg hunters have found the hiding place of this secretive cabal at a posh resort in this charming little city 40 miles from Munich. Their annual meeting is May 5-8.

Bilderberg is gathering at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt, a five-star conference and business hotel with 188 luxury rooms. It is on a lake and near a golf course—typical Bilderberg requirements. High officials of the U.S. government and possibly a few congressional leaders will participate in three days of secret meetings to plan global policy. Heads of state and other high officials from Europe and Britain will participate, along with world financiers.

David Rockefeller and his valet, Henry Kissinger, are longtime Bilderberg regulars. Donald Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, and associate editor Jimmy Lee Hoagland regularly attend, upon their promise to report

The New York Times, LA Times and all major networks—ABC, CBS and NBC—have participated. All participants are sworn to secrecy. Bilderberg denies its existence, and all the resorts at which they hold their meetings require their employees to lie and deny they are present.

Three times the Dorint told AFP they were fully booked—but that Bilderberg was not there. All but Bilderberg participants and their staffs, wives or, in some cases, someone else’s wife, will be required to leave. The hotel staff will be warned to reveal nothing of what they see and hear.

Armed guards will patrol not only the main entrance but the perimeters.

Exposing Bilderberg meetings has provided advance warning—months ahead of the mainstream media—of U.S. wars, tax increases, and the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of Britain, among other exclusives.

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