Friday, 8 April 2005

We got it wrong on Iraq WMD, intelligence chiefs finally admit

So we are waging WAR in Iraq based on LIES and our government and media are a bunch of incompetant fuckwits, super! Well, at least we have an election coming up, make sure you use your vote and DO NOT use it on the 2 main parties, they're just as bad as eachother! Do you really want Michael Howard running the UK? I didn't think so! Anyway, I think Mike Rivero's ( comments sum it up for all of us:

"The word is "Lied". The people who claimed Iraq was a threat to the United States justifying invasion LIED.

Yes, that is the word. "LIED."



Deal with it.

Because in order to make the claim that the US Government was simply fooled or mistaken is to admit that down to a man, they are stupid dumb jerks unable to figure out what every single blogger in the world knew; that there were no WMDs.

Because that's what this latest "error" excuse comes down to, a claim that the smartest person in the US Government cannot compete intellectually with the bloggers who knew that Iraq did not have WMDs. Stupid, idiotic, dumb-as-a-post US Government officials and agents, every single one of them, all were fooled into thinking there were weapons of mass destruction. Not one of them had the tiniest glimmer of intellectual process that suggested that there might be a problem with the claims about WMDs. And all those network news talking heads at ABCNNBBCBS, you know, the men and women making millions of dollars every single year supposedly reporting news to you, well, golly shuckies, but I guess they must be dumber-n-shit too, because not one of them ever suspected that the claims about WMDs they were passing on to you were suspect.

Yesirreebob, that's the choice. Either the entire US Government and mainstream media are all dumber than the bloggers ... or they got caught lying and are trying to save face by calling it an innocent mistake.

Either way, there isn't much point in listening to them anymore, is there?"

Intelligence chiefs have admitted for the first time that claims they made about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction were wrong and have not been substantiated.

The admission is revealed in the annual report of the parliamentary intelligence and security committee which also sharply criticises the lack of communication between ministers and the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6.

It discloses that late last year the joint intelligence committee (JIC) reviewed key judgments on Iraq's WMD capability and programmes behind the government's now discredited dossier published in September 2002.

· The JIC claimed in 2002: "Iraq is pursuing a nuclear weapons programme." It now admits this "was wrong, in that Iraq was not pursuing a nuclear weapons programme". It says the claim was "correct on Iraq's nuclear ambitions".

· The JIC judged in 2002: "Iraq retains up to 20 al-Hussein ballistic missiles." It now admits: "This has not been substantiated."

· In 2002, the JIC judged: "Iraq may retain some stocks of chemical agents ... Iraq could produce significant quantities of mustard [gas] within weeks, significant quantities of Sarin and VX within months, and, in the case of VX may already have done so." It now admits: "Although a capability to produce some agents probably existed, this judgment has not been substantiated." It adds that the Iraq Survey Group found that Saddam "intended to resume a CW [chemical weapons] effort once [UN] sanctions were lifted".

· The JIC in 2002 said: "Iraq currently has available ... a number of biological agents ... Iraq could produce more of these biological agents within days". It now says that the ISG found Iraq could resume production, "but not within the time frames judged ... and [it] found no evidence that production had been activated".

· In 2002, the JIC judged: "Saddam ... might use CBW [chemical and biological weapons] against coalition forces, neighbouring states and his own people. Israel could be the first target." Based on Saddam's past behaviour that "would have remained a reasonable judgment", says the JIC. However, it notes that the Iraqi agent who made the claims was subsequently dropped by MI6.

The parliamentary committee notes that three MI6 agents were "withdrawn" after the invasion of Iraq. They included one - mentioned in 2002 to Tony Blair by Sir Richard Dearlove, then MI6 head - who claimed that Iraq was still making chemical and biological weapons.

The committee also referred yesterday to the Butler inquiry which described the MI6 agent behind the claim that Iraq could deploy chemical weapons within 45 minutes as open to "serious doubts" and "seriously flawed".

The committee says: "We are concerned at the amount of intelligence on Iraqi WMD that has now had to be withdrawn." It says that Mr Blair was not informed until a year later about an MI6 decision to drop an Iraqi agent he had earlier been told was potentially important.

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