The Orient has developed in a very distinct and exotic way from Western Europe. Any traveler or student of the Far East recognizes the vast differences. The concept of holistic is a term that is commonly applied to a form of medicine, but within the varied cultures of China it has a critical meaning that emphasizes the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. Mutuality in the family creates a reciprocity within the community. The values of ethics reflects a symbiosis that is judged by the benefits to the whole. That may sound appealing on the surface, but in practice the group becomes the ultimate criterion for a fluid moral behavior.
Contrast this approach with the emphasis upon the singular, the atomistic ethics, that rests upon social institutions and processes arising solely from the acts of individual people. This Greek notion is the basis for our entire Western Civilization. The Christian Gospels rest upon the message of personal redemption and individual responsibility. The rule of law, while only a sham in practice, is based on natural rights and standards of conduct that have their root in Mosaic scripture. The nature of property and the economic principles that underpin free enterprise, have created wealth and achievement, stemming from the inspiration, genius and risks of individuals.
East and West have always been a contrast in cosmology and sociology. Sun Tzu seems to be the bridge that binds the emergence of the new global financial system, with the discredit of Marxism. The West has been in turmoil ever since Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory spurred an interdisciplinary effort to develop a more dynamic worldview, as is evidenced by ever-increasing emphasis placed on nonequilibrium dynamics. The ethics of clashing systems is at the core of the struggle we are undergoing. The "monistic" approach to values, which Sun Tzu embodies, conceives the ethical enterprise "as aiming to produce, and to defend against all rivals, a single coherent and complete set of principles capable of governing all moral quandaries." This approach was popularized in conduct that ran amuck on Wall Street in the late 80’s and most of the 90’s.
In the Art of War we discover timeless methods of strategy, deception, treachery and deceit. The height of strategy is not to subdue the enemy in battle, but to subdue him without fighting at all. Sun Tzu, unlike many Western analysts, focuses on the period before the war begins as a principle realm for strategy. This pre-war period requires deft manipulation of friends and enemies during the mobilization of military forces, stockpiling of logistic requirements for the initial campaigns, and other preparations for war. Sun Tzu, therefore, pays particular attention to deceit and diplomacy. While the precepts are illustrated toward waging war among rulers and states, the actual lessons in the Art of War deals with applying the moralistic standards of the holistic interdependent whole to the battle for supremacy.
The Sun Tzu, and Oriental view for victory, is defined in control of your advocacy. The righteousness of conduct does not have an intrinsic standard. It is defined as circumstance warrants, within the context of the community that applies the methods. The duty of each member within that group is to the collective whole. Society is confined to a restricted definition. Those outside the group are latent enemies, with no inherent value or ordained privilege.
Strategy 33 states: Let the enemy's own spy sow discord in the enemy camp. (Use double agents.) Undermine your enemy's ability to fight by secretly causing discord between him and his friends, allies, advisors, family, commanders, soldiers, and population. While he is preoccupied settling internal disputes his ability to attack or defend, is compromised.
Apply this approach to the BALANCING ENDS, WAYS, AND MEANS IN THE INFORMATION AGE by Lieutenant Colonel William R. Fast United States Army.
In his conclusion: "At times, we must be willing to subordinate our national objectives to the greater objectives of the networked nations and multinational firms with whom we interact."
The forces of Globalism have long targeted national sovereignty as an expendable and outdated concept. Little doubt remains that America has been ruled by agents of the interdependence mindset. Isn’t that the main theme in the Trilateral Commission approach? Jimmy Carter and George Bush 41 are dedicated NWO proponents. Bill Clinton was the most transparent double agent, who implemented the sell out of America.
The merging of the one world economy took place under his watch. What emerges is the holistic codependence of every individual to the dictates of the elites that claim special preeminence. Isn’t this exactly the kind of deception and group conduct that rules the "World Community"?
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