Are the neocons in the Pentagon targeting electrical grids?
Since Bush's directive was signed, the world had witnessed more unexplained massive blackouts in the history of the modern age of electricity. Considering that the Pentagon, through manipulative schemers like Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and retired Admiral John Poindexter, has championed such ideas as a stock market betting parlor for future terrorist attacks and an Internet-based personal information surveillance program (both fortunately killed off by Congress), it is not far-fetched to consider the possibility that the recent spate of blackouts around the world are the result of another harebrained operation cooked up by the necons to demonstrate America's superiority in cyber-warfare.
After all, the Pentagon has a very bad track record when it comes to using civilian populations as guinea pigs for its experiments. Witness the awful effects of nuclear bomb testing on the peoples of the western United States and the Marshall Islands, depleted uranium-hardened shells on innocent civilians in war zones, and Agent Orange on American troops and civilians in Southeast Asia.
Since PD-16 was signed, blackouts affecting hundreds of millions of people are occurring on an unprecedented scale.
On September 23, 2002, a massive power failure disrupted central Chile, including the capital city of Santiago. Some 3,500 passengers had to be rescued from stalled Metro trains in Santiago. The official reason was said to be "faulty programming" and a "technical failure" at a power station. On April 29, 2003, a power failure hit the airport in Melbourne, Australia, disrupting operations for 90 minutes.
Buenos Aires and La Plata, Argentina, were hit by a huge power failure on November 24, 2002. January 31, 2003, saw an unusual power failure hit Cambridge, Ontario. Buenos Aires was hit again by another sudden blackout on August 6, 2003. Power company officials blamed that outage on the collapse of three power lines but Argentine President Nestor Kirchner said he believed private power companies were engaged in a conspiracy to pressure the government to increase utility rates.
The first major blackout in 2003 occurred in the northeastern United States and Canada on August 14. NewYork City, Detroit, Toronto, Ottawa, Cleveland and smaller cities and towns in between lost power for hours at the height of the evening rush hour. Some 50 million people were affected. Canadian and U.S. officials pointed the finger at one another for causing the blackout but blame soon shifted to a power generation plant owned by Ohio's FirstEnergy Corp. President [sic] Bush, who was conveniently fundraising in California at the time, called the blackout a "wake-up call."
A few days later, the Republic of Georgia was plunged into darkness. On August 18, 4.5 million people in Georgia lost electricity; the Tblisi metro ground to a halt and the water supply was cut off. The Georgian energy minister blamed "sabotage" for the outage but he wasn't more specific.
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