-- Bob Dylan
Then, if they wanted, they could haul him before a military tribunal, try him in secret and, if they wanted, have him executed -- with no judicial oversight, no recourse to appeal save one: a plea for mercy from the regime's unelected leader. This usurper, who liked to be known as "The Commander," had given himself the arbitrary authority to strip any citizen of their liberty, and he alone -- no court, no council, no legislative body -- held the ultimate power of life and death over anyone he thus decreed an "enemy."
After months in secret captivity, the prisoner -- a young truck driver with a history of mental problems -- broke down. In a secret court session, he confessed to planning a series of crimes against the state. The success of this covert operation was announced by the head of the regime's internal police forces. His declaration -- that a citizen had been snatched, interrogated, threatened and broken in secret, outside every stricture of the country's old constitution -- was greeted with cries of admiration in the national press.
Yes, it was just another day in the New America -- the fearful, fawning, fortress-land that Bush and bin Laden have made. The above facts -- openly attested in the mainstream media -- are the raw guts of truth beneath the fancy PR frocks and propaganda implants that mask the inner moral rot of the Bush Regime.
Iyman Faris, a U.S. citizen originally from Kashmir, was nabbed, threatened and processed in the exact manner described above. Attorney General John Ashcroft said Faris was a key al-Qaida operative, prowling America's highways in his monstrous diesel truck, looking for likely terror targets and sending back coded messages to his nefarious foreign controllers.
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