Thursday, 3 July 2003

Campbell 'asked for changes to Iraq dossier'

In my humble opinion Alastair Campbell is the Heir to the Throne of the Kingdom of Lying Twats. He is an unlimited liability for this country and someone should sack him and his boss.

Alastair Campbell made 11 suggestions and queries about the dossier in which the Government is alleged to have exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein in the run-up to war in Iraq, according to a leaked letter.

The Prime Minister's director of communications and strategy was writing to the committee of MPs investigating claims the document was "sexed up" to bolster the case for war. A copy of the letter, published in today's Guardian, said Mr Campbell posed questions and proposed alterations to the dossier. Mr Campbell's suggestions will be a major focus for the Commons foreign affairs committee as it meets today to finalise its report on the affair, due to be published on Monday.

The committee is thought to be split over the report. Labour members are likely to back Mr Campbell's denials, while opposition MPs are anxious to see further evidence of the intelligence drafts which led to the dossier, which was published in September.

Mr Campbell's letter, written with the consent of John Scarlett, chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), reveals that six of his proposed changes were accepted, one was already under way but four were not taken up.

Full story...