"Tony Blair is a LYING TWAT!"
Hoon agreed to injunctions to protect army undercover unit
The propriety of his behaviour is in question after the revelations that the star informer was an IRA torturer whose handlers are alleged to have connived at the murder of innocent Catholics to protect him.
Mr Hoon was trying to stop the disclosure of grave allegations of illegal behaviour by soldiers, now under police investigation by Sir John Stevens, the Met commissioner. MoD officials and soldiers also stand accused of repeatedly blocking Sir John's inquiries, telling him lies, and even burning down his offices in Northern Ireland.
Mr Hoon's attempt to suppress everything about the FRU began 3 years ago, and continued until yesterday when the former FRU sergeant Martin Ingram gave evidence to the Bloody Sunday inquiry.
Mr Hoon tried to prevent Mr Ingram giving evidence. When the inquiry refused to accept this, Mr Hoon tried to have him heard in secret. Lord Saville, the chairman, again refused.
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