But wait. Stop the presses. Just Wednesday, senior military officials reported finding a tractor-trailer truck that probably was used to produce biological agents, possibly one of the mobile biological weapons
labs described by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his presentation to the United Nations.
Declining to call it a "smoking gun," the Pentagon undersecretary for intelligence said "experts have not found another plausible use for it based on the equipment on-board."
That's an unusual standard of proof. If we can't figure out what else this would be used for, then it must have been used to produce WMD.
The logic isn't the only thing that's a little strange. Senior military officials made the announcement Wednesday, but the tractor-trailer was actually found almost three weeks ago. Military officials said they were proud they hadn't rushed to announce its discovery.
That's one explanation. Another might be that the timing of the announcement coincided with increasing pressure to produce some evidence of the weapons that supposedly launched 1,000 ships.
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