Friday, 16 May 2003

Elite power brokers' secret talks

Credit to the BBC for at least reporting on the fact that the meetings were happening. For the latest information please click here to view the latest updates from Bilderberg sleuth Tony Gosling who is in Versailles.

The world's financial and political elite are to hold a closed meeting in France on Thursday where delegates are expected to be focusing their attention on post war Iraq.

The Bilderberg meeting will be held in Versailles just before the start of the Group of Seven meeting of finance ministers in nearby Paris.

Bilderberg, which was founded in the 1950s by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, is said to steer international policy from behind closed doors.

Its critics say that it is a capitalist organisation which operates entirely through self interest.

By anyone's standards, it is a bit of a mystery.

There are no members as such - instead, an invitation list is comprised each year by an unknown steering committee, but participants are mainly leading and powerful figures in the fields of business and politics.

The meetings are cloaked in secrecy and participants rarely reveal their attendance, although this year's list is rumoured to include the American banker David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.

Full story...

Bilderberg 2002 Participants and Press Release
Versailles Palace Park Now Closed
World government in action
Search Google News for "Bilderberg"

Collected from the web in no particular order, recognise anyone you know?

- Bilderberg Secretary-General Martin Taylor
- Turkish Treasury Minister Ali Babcan
- German Foreign Minister Otto Schilly
- Former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing
- US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
- Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
- Queen Sofia of Spain
- Henry Kissinger
- George Soros
- Kenneth Clarke MP
- Richard Perle

I will update this list as I find more names. As you can imagine news about Bilderberg is hard to come by.