Yet Bodine arrived in Um Qusar on April 8. Here's a link to the story citing her position as "mayor of Baghdad" from a US Embassy site (as long as it remains unscrubbed) - scroll down to Question 10.
Choosing a woman governor in a Muslim country was calculated to foment trouble with the conservative Shiites - worse, a woman skilled in coverups for rightwing bosses. There is alread a conflict brewing between Bodine and Iraqi Mohammed Mohsen Zubaidi, who says HE is the Governor of Baghdad. This story was in the Washington Post today...but notice how extremley vague all references to Bodine are. The reporter does not come right out and say Bodine is, in fact, the designated Governor of Baghdad.
So, here below is the story the FOX article linked to. The entire "Smoking Gun" series can be read at News Insider
Full story...