UK and US forces are using cluster bombs now, of course first they denied it and then when they couldn't deny it anymore they said cluster munitions were only being used on the military - which is what they always say. What people like Geoff Hoon don't tell us is that some sadistic wanker made the cluster muntions the same exact colour as the aid-rations, as a result little children get blown up. Yet another amazingly sensible use of my tax money, the lies get bigger and more grotesque with each passing day. So many people are suffering and dying in this war, why are we doing it? What the hell is wrong with us? Could we not stop it if we made that choice?
The war is now two weeks old and it seems incredible to many of us on Capitol Hill that Saddam Hussein has not yet surrendered. Has his translator not explained to him exactly what George Bush said? That "Baghdad will endure bombardmentalisation". That "the Iraqi people must be freed from this tyrannosaurus regime". What bit of "non-conditional capitulisation" does Saddam not understand?
The Washington Freedom Association is of the opinion that our foreign policy and the principles of free enterprise must go hand in hand. Yet we are permitting this war to be pursued by federal government instead of outsourcing the operation to American private companies. War pursued by central government necessitates higher levels of federal taxation and is thus incompatible with the very freedom for which American service personnel are risking their lives.
"Free enterprise warfare" would not only result in an army unfettered by federal bureaucracy, but by fielding an army employed by a US corporation rather than a nation state, troops would not be impeded by excessive petty international regulations such as the Geneva convention.
A number of private companies have put in tenders to the state department to take over the running of the Iraq war. Our finest supermarkets already have large supplies of guns and ammunition on their shelves; Exxon has extensive experience in laying waste to large areas of countryside; Enron is looking for new spheres of influence; and there are many more companies that so enthusiastically share the president's vision of freedom that they contributed to his election campaign.
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