Monday, 7 April 2003

Behind the Bushes

Patriotic Blues

How many times does one have to explain to a neoconservative or their fogged up supporters that the government in Washington is not what America is all about? When will these perverted minds be able to comprehend that the shining light on the hill, America, was never intended to be defined by what the vast bureaucracies in DC and the elites that run them, say and do, the federal government has become an anathema to every principle that this nation was founded upon. When will they understand that a war to destroy evil is an impossibility, and if you engage in the same evil to fight a perceived evil, you only achieve the augmentation of evil itself. Evil feeds on evil, that’s how it grows and spreads its venomous excrement throughout humanity. Breaking constitutional and international laws to aggressively invade another country is an evil act.

There is no moral justification that can justify a war that has nothing to do with this nations security, Iraq has never presented itself as a plausible threat to the United States, as we now see, Iraq can barely defend herself from an invasion, so how could she then have been regarded as a military threat to the United States? The answer is that it was always a bunch of fabrications by the Bush clan and nothing more. Freeing a people from tyranny is also an illegitimate justification; no American should be sacrificed for a nation on the other side of the planet on the simplistic grounds of utopian humanitarianism, it’s not our business or responsibility. Destroying an evil dictator so he cannot in the future start a war of mass destruction is also an illegitimate position because it is based entirely on conjecture and suppositions and no foreign policy should be determined on rough guesses.

The act of using the flag as a blind folder to the truth is an immoral act in itself, and this is where many Americans find themselves when trying to justify and defend the morally unattainable. They instinctively resort to false accusations against some of those that oppose conquering the Middle East for the interests of the few at the expense of the many, of being un-American or just flat out un-patriotic, and spew out old jingoisms and clichés such as love it or leave it, it’s a war for freedom, a war against evil, a war against terrorism, a war for a secure future, and so on. All proven to be baseless and contrived many times over. Granted, there are many on the left that hate America and use any opportunity to trash her, this war being no exception.

The State and its minions does not have the authority to dictate what is patriotic behavior, the State definitely has no moral standing to speak of, and the immoral case that demands that Americans, right or wrong, must support the State in time of war is nothing more than mindless rhetoric worthy of scorn and derision, the Bush clan does not represent all of America, they never have and they never will. Deep down in the American conscious is a desire to be free from government tyranny, be it domestic or foreign, and it is very un-American to have Washington DC pursue imperialistic policies abroad and subjugate other peoples by force. Eventually Americans will realize that this is the case, and will try to put an end to this elitist subversion; it might be too late by then.

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