I don’t believe, no matter how many “Bush- Whackers” repeat it, that Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein are accomplices. What’s worse, I don’t believe that George Bush believes it either.
In contrast to the Bush team, the former NATO commander, General Wesley Clark, seems to think that invading Iraq is counter-productive. His reasoning is hard to perforate. “Attacking Iraq will detract from our primary mission against al-Qaeda, supercharge anti-American sentiment in the Arab street and boost al-Qaeda's recruiting.”
The nations bordering Iraq do not fear Saddam Hussein, and they don’t seem to be clamoring for US intervention, so why is Saddam Hussein such a threat to a nation half way around the world that he cannot reach with any weapons, except an immigrant terrorist?
The Bush League points out that Saddam has refused to comply with U.N. weapons inspectors. By that reasoning, The U.N. could, at some future time, demand to strip search the United States for weapons, or even serve search warrants on individual American homes. Would Bush permit this? This is a serious question because if an American President allows U.N. resolutions and mandates to trump the U.S. Constitution, he is promoting world government, and surrendering the Republic.
Remember that Bush has had plenty of time to ask Congress for a declaration of war, as prescribed by the Constitution, but to date has not. This removes a cornerstone of self-government from the American people and places it squarely with the United Nations, furthering the “New World Order”, a term that George Bush Senior bandied about frequently.
The Bush League wants us to link Iraq with the 9-11 terrorists. They haven’t made their case here, either. There is far more evidence that Saudi Arabia is inextricably linked with the 9-11 hijackers, yet we hear no bellicose rhetoric from the Bush administration where the Saudis are concerned.
They want us to believe that the United States will be a safer place, once the Baghdad Bad-Boy has been eliminated. Shortly after we bomb Iraq into submission, kill or scare off Iraq’s leader, and otherwise show up the Arab world with our audacity and hypocrisy, the threat level is sure to fall into the normal range.
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