Saturday, 29 March 2003

Bilderberg To Meet In Versailles

If we're all conspiracy "kooks" and the world leaders are all Saints, why the hell is Bilderberg secret? If what they discuss is so mundane then surely there shouldn't be any problem discussing it openly... If it looks like a Cabal, and it smells like a Cabal, and it acts like a Cabal - then calling it an innocent "meeting" just ain't gonna cut it. Especially not with people like Henry Kissinger on the steering committee.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The world’s financial and political elite plan to hold their annual secret meeting at a posh French resort near the Palace of Versailles.

Bilderberg will hold its annual secret meeting at the luxurious Trianon Palace Hotel in Versailles, France May 15-18. The meeting dovetails with the Group of Seven meeting of finance ministers in Paris the day after Bilderberg concludes, on May 19 in Paris. Paris is only a 20-minute drive from Versailles.

International financiers and political leaders from Europe and North America will be conducting public business behind closed doors at the palatial resort. Banker David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and high officials of the government and congressional leaders will participate, all pledging absolute secrecy.

Members of the Rothschild family from Europe and Britain will attend, along with high government officials.

Jim Hoagland will attend for the Washington Post and keep his pledge of secrecy. Publisher Donald Graham normally attends although he missed last year’s session in Chantilly, Va. The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and NBC, CBS and ABC have also been represented at Bilderberg meetings, binding themselves to a promise of secrecy.

Taxpayers will pay the travel cost for U.S. officials and lawmakers. It is against federal law for administration officials to hold secret meetings with non-officials to plan public policy. American officials will again ignore this law.

Central to the agenda will be planning post-war Iraq. France and Germany had extensive business relationships with pre-war Iraq and opposed the U.S. invasion. But what to do with Iraq’s oil will be debated.

Full story...