Thursday, 16 January 2003

Tesla's Electromagnetic Pyramids

by Joe Vialls

Tesla In late 1968 a small group of men gathered in a rambling old house situated a few miles outside the German city of Munich. The weak afternoon sunlight was starting to fade as they sat down at the polished oak conference table, and despite a roaring log fire in the ornate fireplace there was a noticable chill in the air. These men were of no particular religion, nor were they politicians, bankers, bureaucrats or mainstream military personnel. To use their own self-effacing term they were "no-persons", just a group of intelligent men from all over the world deeply concerned about the looming probability of global thermonuclear war. The American Department of State, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Russian Kremlin were brimming over with megalomaniacs quite capable of destroying all life on the planet in their blind quest for power, unless they could be persuaded not to do so.

Global thermonuclear war was not the only problem. Since the end of the First World War and the

subsequent formation of the League of Nations, the same megalomaniacs had frequently expressed their determination to implement a "New Order", bureaucratic code for a one world government. If left to run unchecked, within a single century the megalomaniacs would remove national borders entirely, destroy delightfully diverse national cultures developed over thousands of years, and replace them in-toto with hordes of multicultural drones willing to slave for endless hours in "worker's paradises" for the exclusive benefit of a tiny but immensely powerful global elite. The first successful phase of the New Order exercise was at that very moment in full swing, less than a thousand miles away in the worker's paradise known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Faced with a completely unacceptable Orwellian future, the Munich Group had two objectives: stop the megalomaniacs from destroying all life on the planet with thermonuclear weapons, and at the same time protect the myriad national cultures existing around the world from extinction. The critical question facing its members was how to achieve these awesome objectives with strictly limited resources.

The politicians and mainstream military controlled more than 90% of the conventional and nuclear weapons so their use was not an option. Besides, if the Munich Group resorted to such methods they would risk triggering a global thermonuclear exchange, the very event they were determined to prevent. Many years later this and other groups would supplement their arsenals with micronized atomic weapons for use against specific targets, but the primary weapon system under discussion at the 1968 Munich meeting was quite different, and well beyond the comprehension of any professor of classical or quantum physics.

Full story...