Monday, 23 December 2002

IMF Policies Have Reduced African Countries to Their Weakest Levels

Dr Kaunda is the only world leader that I've ever met personally and I must say I was impressed by the man, I still am even though Zambia is a shambles it kind of proves that it wasn't his fault... Anyway, this article isn't about him it's about the IMF and how completely crap they really are. My humble advice to any developing country, tell the IMF where to go. There are enough resources in the so-called "third" world that if they really clubbed together they would need the IMF, the World Bank or any other "International" organisation. Joe Stiglitz agrees with him which should also tell you something, the IMF and World Bank exist to further the fortunes of the International Bankers, it's as simple as that.

International Monetary Fund's (IMF) bad economic programmes have reduced African countries' economies to their weakest levels, first Zambian Republican president Dr. Kenneth Kaunda has said.

Addressing students at University of Florida's Centre for African Studies, Dr. Kaunda said while there were similar problems in other parts of the world, such as Asia and Latin America, Southern African countries faced the harshest economic, social, and political pressures in the world.

"Unless we act very quickly, Southern African countries risk losing the post-independence gains made in education, social development, nutrition, water and sanitation, infrastructure, and the general economy," Dr. Kaunda said. "We risk regressing to at least 50 years ago."

Dr. Kaunda told the students that IMF's bad economic programmes had deprived the Africans of basic services. He cited the provision of health and education services as some of the basic services that had greatly been affected by the IMF's bad policies.

Full story...