Saturday, 7 December 2002

Fisk criticizes U.S. media in interview

Robert Fisk, telling it like it is...

MoD During his speech, Fisk, the longest-serving Western journalist in the Middle East, drew from his personal experiences in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and the Middle East to argue that Westerners get a tainted picture of current events when they receive their news.

Currently the Middle East correspondent for London’s Independent, Fisk has covered some of the most significant stories in the Middle East and South Asia for the past 25 years, including the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan last year. Fisk is also one of the few Western journalists to have interviewed Osama bin Laden.

For about 20 minutes before his Nov. 21 talk, Fisk sat down with The Daily to discuss his views on American journalists’ coverage of the Middle East, the role of universities in changing U.S. foreign policies, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the War on Terrorism.

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