Tuesday, 24 December 2002

Does the British Ambassador know something we don't?

Of course we have to be messing around with Venezuela, it's about the oil stupid! Phony Tony and the Cronies just love oil and oil companies and oil companies' private jets...

People of the world know that these WANKERS do NOT represent the Great British public!

Editorial by VHeadline.com

Funny / strange about British Ambassador John Hughes’ decision to tell ex-pats to leave Venezuela.

- Does the Embassy know something we don’t?
- Has it a whiff of a coup or something just as bad?

According to radio reports reaching the UK, some ex-pats are questioning the wisdom of the Ambassador’s decision, saying they feel safe in Venezuela, even though they are understandably apprehensive about the outcome of the unending stand-off between the government and the opposition.

"Although gasoline supplies have started trickling in, Confederation of Trade Unions (CTV) president Carlos Ortega’s jibe that if it took the government 17 days to move one merchant navy tanker, how long will it take to get the economy moving again, has a ring of truth."

The government’s decision, yesterday, to set up a unified command to manage the restoration of oil and food supplies indicates that it wasn’t really prepared for the consequences of the oil industry stoppage, despite having an abundance of military officers with university degrees.

Yes, it is indeed strange that the British want out ... despite the granting of natural gas fields to British Gas and other JVs in the offing.

The Venezuelan government could be forgiven if it started referring to the UK by its more descriptive adage “Perfidious Albion.”

What the Ambassador has done is to play the opposition card using the argument that Embassy staff and ex-pats will not be able to avail themselves of gasoline at the pumps and will soon be unable to purchase food supplies.

Full story...