Tuesday 12 November 2002

Welcome to the Desert of the Real

And there you were thinking that The Matrix was just a film...!

Whispers of vote fraud tremble on the wires - companies like Diebold, who make the new voting machines, whose officers are to a man Republican donors and activists, come under suspicion in the aftermath of such a wrenching reversal. How difficult is it to reprogram a machine which leaves no paper trail to say that 2 + 2 = 5? Is it about as difficult as sabotaging the workings of a small corporate jet, perhaps?

Perhaps. Senator Mel Carnahan died in a small plane crash two weeks before the conclusion of his vital race in 2000 against John Ashcroft, who went on to become Attorney General. Paul Wellstone died in a small plane crash two weeks before his all-important election contest for the Senate seat of Minnesota, throwing that race into chaos and ultimately handing the seat to Bush-picked conservative Norm Coleman. No satisfactory explanation has been forthcoming to explain these disasters, and on the latter matter of Wellstone, there has been virtual silence from the media and the NTSB investigators. Meanwhile, there have still been so arrests in the anthrax assassination attempts on Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. On this matter, again, the media is silent.

Carnahan-Wellstone-Daschle-Leahy. These should have been the four leading voices against the ideological and political desires of the Bush administration. Two are now dead, and two seem to have been cowed into an acquiescing silence. As a prince of Denmark was once heard to remark, something is out of joint. Questions on these issues, and on the voting irregularities and conflicts of interest surrounding the November 5th elections, must not fall silent. Indeed, they must be bellowed from rooftop and radio.

Simultaneously, though, we must also look to the legislative aftermath of all this. One way or another, we must deal with the conservative freight train of legislation that is ramrodding towards us. A brief look at who will be taking control of the congressional agenda in January proves to be revealing.

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