The Original LA Times Story Referred To In The Above! "Among other things, this body would launch secret operations aimed at "stimulating reactions" among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction -- that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to "quick-response" attacks by U.S. forces."
Friendly Fire: Operation Northwoods, May 1, 2001
Making a Killing: The Business of War: Overview
Center for Public Integrity, Oct. 29, 2002
Making a Killing: The Business of War
Center for Public Integrity, Oct. 29, 2002
Privatizing Combat: The New World Order
Center for Public Integrity, Oct. 29, 2002
Deeper Into the Big Muddy, Oct. 27, 2002
America's Secret Armies
US News & World Report, Nov. 4, 2002 issue
An American Invitation to Deter America
International Herald Tribune, Oct. 24, 2002
Vidal Claims 'Bush Junta' Complicit in 9-11
The Observer, Oct. 27, 2002
Operation Endless Deployment
The Nation, Oct. 3, 2002
U.S. Weapons Secrets Exposed
The Guardian, Oct. 29, 2002
The Rumsfeld Intelligence Agency, Oct. 28, 2002
History has shown that in politics the honorable man will lose to the teller of white lies, who will lose to the teller of black lies, who will lose to the thief, who will lose to the blackmailer, who will lose to the murderer, who will lose to the drug lord, who will lose to the genocidal tyrant. The question in these evil times is therefore not what is our government capable of, but rather what is it NOT capable of? -- M. Rivero
The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks
How is was done in 1941
Ordnance Reports. See article called "Panel wants $7bn elite counter-terror unit". It makes specific references to Rumsfeld's new plan to cause terrorism.
An alarming picture is forming. Both the United States and Great Britain funded and trained and provided shelter for the very terrorists whose actions are cited as justification to invade the oil fields of the Middle East. Now we see documentary evidence that the United States has engaged in a policy of PROVOKING the very terrorist acts that have terrorized Americans into support for war.