Friday, 1 November 2002

Maxwell Killed by Mossad

Confirmation of claims made by Victor Ostrovsky, he is going to be proven right and we will all owe him a debt of gratitude for doing what he could to expose this scary organisation.

British media tycoon Robert Maxwell was murdered by the Israeli secret services, according to a new book, which also alleges the flamboyant millionaire was an Israeli spy and had links to organized crime in Eastern Europe.

"Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy," to be published in December by Carroll and Graf, claims Mossad decided to get rid of Maxwell because he was threatening to expose his knowledge of Israeli secrets unless he received Israeli help in propping up his failing businesses.

Maxwell's sudden death at sea in November 1991 off the Canary Islands brought about the collapse of his worldwide publishing empire and triggered theories ranging from suicide, murder or accident.

Maxwell - who owned the Daily News at the time - disappeared overboard just as the complex web of financial deals keeping his businesses afloat was beginning to unravel and a few weeks after U.S. investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a book claiming Maxwell had close ties with the Israeli secret services.

Full story...