Friday, 2 August 2002

The Case for Bush Administration Advance Knowledge of 9-11 Attacks

by Michael C. Ruppert

© COPYRIGHT 2002, Michael C. Ruppert and FTW Publications, all rights reserved. May be reprinted or distributed for non-profit purposes only.]

[Ed. Note: May 31, 2002 - After commissioning a professional translation of a Russian news story used as a source in FTW reportage, we discovered the word “suicide” was not contained in warnings to the Bush Administration from Russian intelligence. Although the word “suicide” was not in the story by Izvestia, the fact remains 25 pilots training for hijack missions and attacks in the U.S. could have meant nothing other than suicide missions.]

April 22, 2002, 12:00 PDT (FTW) (Revised May 18, 2002) -- A dispassionate examination of existing reliable, open-source evidence on advance warnings of the Sept. 11 attacks provides strong and sustainable grounds to conclude the Bush Administration was in possession of sufficient advance intelligence to have prevented the attacks, had it wished to do so. With a known intelligence budget of approximately $30 billion, it must be assumed there are classified files that only add to the weight of the available data presented here.

This article will focus on four primary areas where the U.S. was in possession of information that forewarned of the attacks in sufficient detail to have prompted their prevention. Those areas are: Documented warnings received by the United States Government (USG) from foreign intelligence services; Obvious and large scale insider stock trading in the days before the attacks; Known intelligence successes achieved by the USG in its penetrations of Al Qaeda; and, the case of Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, a U.S. Naval intelligence officer jailed in Canada at the request of U.S. authorities, who -- with his attorneys -- spent months attempting to warn USG and Canadian intelligence officials of the pending attacks, only to be rebuffed and ignored.
As a last-ditch measure in August, Vreeland, the jailed and disowned intelligence operative, had two pens smuggled into his jail cell of a different color and style of ink than what was allowed by the jail. He wrote a hasty warning listing details of the attacks and then had the letter sealed into his jail property, out of reach, and promptly advised jailers that he was in possession of unapproved pens. These pens were admittedly confiscated by jail authorities, who have retained possession of them and acknowledged that Vreeland had no such pens in his jail cell after that time.

This article will not focus on a number of well-known and documented instances where the Bush Administration actively interfered with or curtailed investigations into Al Qaeda-linked groups that could have provided even more intelligence. Included in this category are reports by the BBC's Gregg Palast, the French book "The Forbidden Truth," and a lawsuit/OPR complaint filed by an active FBI agent alleging investigations that could have prevented the attacks were derailed by superiors.

See the rest of the article